The English used in banking
English vocabulary used in banking
most people all have bank accounts or cooperative housing to help in financial management, day day
.The bank provided everyone all needs. Whether it is a famous bank as High Street bank which has branches all over the world ethical bank.Islamic bank which operates under the Sharia law and micro-finance bank which is designed to assist low-income people
but you know Direct Debit from your Bank Identifier code? Two words this is the terminology used in business banks
.First, the commonly used is' current account 'is where you keep your money, which will you take this money away at any time. Often comes with a debit card you use cash through the machine. 'ATM',Automated teller machine which also known as' cash point '
' savings account 'will give interest to you a little bit but you can withdraw your money more difficult
.If you want to spend more than you. You may borrow money from the bank, which is in the form of 'loan' or 'overdraft' in your account. When you return the money to the bank, you have to 'interest.' With the bank, for example.That 'mortgage' recovery possible for many years, the acronym. 'APR' from annual percentage rate mean number of interest that you have to pay to the bank the percentage calculated for a period of 1 years
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