In the section of culture, including the use of chopsticks, it contained many restrictions, e.g. If message. -The correct holding chopsticks Must hold the chopsticks thumb crotch with a pointing finger. The remaining three fingers, waiting to hold chopsticks come through, and tie. When to eat the rice bowls, chopsticks are spacious, always. -Do not use the chopstick stab into the plug one side, food is considered generous to hate each other. What is no different from the Chu, the middle finger of the potato? -No rice bowls, chopsticks, as documented in the lace because lace seems to incense to pray to the dead in the pot, especially if the rice scoop and then others to hold on to the rice bowl, chopsticks embroidery sent will be considered a curse. Out of one's way to the chopstick rest-no need to keep the couple together, always organized. Placing the chopsticks together is not always considered to be particularly auspicious as the Chinese people hold the words "tea ngachang Liang, Tuan," meaning literally means three second short length. The Chinese people often means death or Apocalypse blockbusters So that makes it like a chopstick rest with a stick, so it is not a particularly lengthy short sacred categorically forbidden to do this. -Do not use chopsticks or others hold page pointer in a manner that allows a pointing finger. Other people join the table pointer, but others point fingers people, it is considered polite not to Thailand as well, not only the Chinese people but only. -No candy sucking or licking the chopsticks. This modality is particularly if the better manners suck waste until the noise is considered a lack of manners and good training. -Do not use chopsticks, bowls, cups, tapping, but only because they are begging bowls to knock the mouth it requested mercy for a large chunk of the increased. Demand attention, donations, review -Do not use chopsticks loop on the dining table. By not knowing how to begin what is considered as verbs that should be avoided. Chopsticks should always be used, then the food immediately. -Do not use chopsticks into food. This action as They excavated the cemetery to find the pirate treasure that must be regarded as objectionable manner.
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