osmosis (English: Osmosis) is the process of the water molecules through the membrane.[1] from the concentration of water solution of low concentration (). To the concentration of solution concentration and dry (high). Spread until the water molecules are equal.Through a semipermeable membrane (which will pass through the membrane solvent. But the solution is not through the semipermeable membrane [2]). And cause power and can create strong [3]
, the OstrogothsThe motion of the solvent will move from solution concentration was lower. To the solution with higher concentration. In order to reduce the difference of the concentration of osmotic pressure, mean pressure used for maintaining equilibrium
.Osmosis process is important for systems biology. The cell membranes of most organisms are qualified semipermeable membrane generally.For example, poly trisaccharide. As water, air and solution without charge can pass out. The ability to pass in and out of the cell membrane may depend on the properties of dissolution electron electrical or chemical property.Osmosis process is a process based on the application of water passed through cell membranes. Terry Walker cell voltage is controlled by 4 osmosis []
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