Fuel oil service station, e.g. type F luggage weight. It not exceeding 50 education, exhibitions of liter power amount insured
1, on theory, exhibitions, bath
B. service station water. Oil type F luggage weight. It over on theory, exhibitions of liter power amount insured 20
, exhibitions, exhibitions, the baht
.(7) the transportation system of oil pipe line, the amount of insurance are as follows:
G oil transport system, it through a tube with a length not exceeding 50 Kilometers to think the amount insured
. In this regard,,,Script, per the transportation system, oil pipe line every 10 kilometers of
10 km to the คิดเป็น 10 kilometers
B. oil transport system, with a length of pipe line beyond. Fifty kilometers. The amount insured
5, exhibitions, exhibitions, bath
.Script, per the transportation system, oil pipe line every 10 kilometers of
10 km to the คิดเป็น 10 kilometers
B. oil transport system, with a length of pipe line beyond. Fifty kilometers. The amount insured
5, exhibitions, exhibitions, bath
.Permanent disability or medical treatment. And the damage of the damaged
no less than the number of the following
(1) Treasury liquefied petroleum gas. The amount insured Abroad, exhibitions, exhibitions, bath
.Article 5 legal liability arising from the operation control
liquefied petroleum gas to ethical amount insured, post for damage caused to the times. Post for death!(2) the place that contains liquefied petroleum gas, the amount of insurance cover, 2, exhibitions, exhibitions, bath
(3) service stations, liquefied petroleum gas, the insured amount. 2, exhibitions, exhibitions, bath
.(4) storage place for liquefied petroleum gas type location characteristics. The amount insured as following
). Liquefied petroleum gas storage place take place. The third type gas storage
.Petroleum liquids than on theory, exhibitions of liter power amount insured 1, on theory, exhibitions, bath
B. place retain liquefied petroleum gas type of place. The third liquefied petroleum gas storage
than on theory, exhibitions of liter. The insured amount, 20Exhibitions, exhibitions, bath
(5) storage place for liquefied petroleum gas store type power distribution. Secondly the amount insured as following
). Storage place for liquefied petroleum gas store type power distribution. Secondly not located in
.Building or flat, the amount insured, regard,, exhibitions, bath
B. storage place for petroleum gas lick the team failed store type power distribution of a second look. Located in a building or a
row, the insured amount 1, on theory, exhibitions, bath
.(6) storage place for liquefied petroleum gas type in the hangar. Secondly the amount insured
1, on theory, exhibitions, bath
(7) system transport liquefied petroleum gas pipeline. The amount insured as following
.The transport system for liquefied petroleum gas pipeline with a length not exceeding 50 kilometers
to think the amount insured. In this regard,, exhibitions of the system on transport liquefied petroleum gas pipeline
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