2. when his Majesty Explorer balance chart-Det Royal visit civilian co การแปล - 2. when his Majesty Explorer balance chart-Det Royal visit civilian co อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

2. when his Majesty Explorer balanc

2. when his Majesty Explorer balance chart-Det Royal visit civilian conduct. When the year 2498 in North East Be aware of difficulties and sufferings of the people, the farmers who lack. Water shortage in the consumer and agricultural project with divine grace and the Royal Decree "rain capital", David with scribe to the gods that pour wakun m.r. To implement that as a research project. Artificial precipitation precipitation or operating capital up. Permanent affiliation in the Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives last year with the success of the project, 2512 has branded the decree established a firm operating capital in the rain in 2518-affiliated to the Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives is the project supported the Royal capital following rain Miri da.
3. step one: "harassment". In this step, the operation aimed at inducing chemicals floating up into the air mass above to achieve the process water vapour or moisture induced na sign formed a cloud operating time in this step should not exceed 10.00 pm each day by the use of chemicals that can absorb water vapour from the air mass has a mechanism to stimulate the process of condensing water vapor in the air mass. Wind North of the target area. When the clouds start formation and growth, and thus use the chemical, exothermic reaction and scattering in a circle next to the South wind is a short distance into the clouds to stimulate joint axis group operating in the area for use as a hub to create rain clouds in the next step.
4. step two: "fatten" is a step that the cloud formation was growing, which is a very significant stage in the execution because it would have to add energy to keep going out, must use the updraft technology and experiences alongside rain simultaneously to decide what type of chemicals everywhere scattering of clouds, and in which, therefore, an appropriate rate. Because of the need to give the process of with mist cloud updraft strength. Otherwise, clouds will crumble.
5. step three: "attack" is the last step of the operating capital of clouds or rain methodologies group, rain clouds are dense enough to fall as rain can be. Within the cloud, there will be a lot of water large grain. If the airplane flying into the clouds rain water Koh tablets will be based on the aircraft's wings and Grille is a significant step. Requires considerable experience operating because it will be to reduce the severity of age of updraft updraft, or gone. For operating at this stage to consider the aim of letting the capital there are two issues which the precipitation is to increase the quantity of rain and allow the distribution of rain.
6. Tools and equipment 1. Tools used in meteorology to measure and study the weather operating plan practitioner than from satellite images, weather maps received daily support from the Department of Meteorology is used include: . The wind gauge on the upper floor (Pilot Balloon) used measurements of wind speed and direction from the surface up to high level . Radio air (Radiosonde) as the polling tools, electronic radio transmitters, which will consist of a balloon and the radio tuner which indicates the temperature data. Various levels of humidity in the atmosphere  Radar weather machine (Weather Radar) that is already in use as a moving car can effectively bokboriwen that has the strength or quantity of rain and rain water and the rain Group's motion in a radius of 200-400 km, which in addition to their operating plan, and then also used as evidence in the evaluation of the operating capital to rain.
7. check the floor surface air tool  such as thermometer gauge wind direction and speed in the rainy water quantity measurement, etc. 2. Chemical preparation tools, namely grinders, chemical mixers, both chemical and water tanks, and a powdered chemical scattering etc cone 3. Communication tool used to communicate between the order and the academics on the operating base or aircraft with between 2 operating base, or use reporting between bases operating arrangement dispute. In the central part of sharing by police radio communications centre, permanent radio Ministry of the Interior and Department of agriculture and telegraph communication tools currently in use include: single side band radio. FM.1, FM.5, radio teletypewriter, etc. 4. other technical tools such as operating equipment, planning, maps, compasses, binoculars. Monitoring tools, chemicals and other camera.
8. rain radar station capital 5. Tools, equipment, scientific equipment, is a tool under the maximum value. Use it to plan a trial and evaluation tools, operating this type of rain capital of demo work, using a computer system. Control command to store the information collected can save information back from tape recordings in the new show format is nganklao to the data will be saved in the saved data tape. With a computer system that can be used at any radar system, which is connected to the display/a 20-inch monitor data by location, called
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
2. when his Majesty Explorer balance chart-Det Royal visit civilian conduct. When the year 2498 in North East Be aware of difficulties and sufferings of the people, the farmers who lack. Water shortage in the consumer and agricultural project with divine grace and the Royal Decree "rain capital", David with scribe to the gods that pour wakun m.r. To implement that as a research project. Artificial precipitation precipitation or operating capital up. Permanent affiliation in the Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives last year with the success of the project, 2512 has branded the decree established a firm operating capital in the rain in 2518-affiliated to the Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives is the project supported the Royal capital following rain Miri da.3. step one: "harassment". In this step, the operation aimed at inducing chemicals floating up into the air mass above to achieve the process water vapour or moisture induced na sign formed a cloud operating time in this step should not exceed 10.00 pm each day by the use of chemicals that can absorb water vapour from the air mass has a mechanism to stimulate the process of condensing water vapor in the air mass. Wind North of the target area. When the clouds start formation and growth, and thus use the chemical, exothermic reaction and scattering in a circle next to the South wind is a short distance into the clouds to stimulate joint axis group operating in the area for use as a hub to create rain clouds in the next step.4. step two: "fatten" is a step that the cloud formation was growing, which is a very significant stage in the execution because it would have to add energy to keep going out, must use the updraft technology and experiences alongside rain simultaneously to decide what type of chemicals everywhere scattering of clouds, and in which, therefore, an appropriate rate. Because of the need to give the process of with mist cloud updraft strength. Otherwise, clouds will crumble.5. step three: "attack" is the last step of the operating capital of clouds or rain methodologies group, rain clouds are dense enough to fall as rain can be. Within the cloud, there will be a lot of water large grain. If the airplane flying into the clouds rain water Koh tablets will be based on the aircraft's wings and Grille is a significant step. Requires considerable experience operating because it will be to reduce the severity of age of updraft updraft, or gone. For operating at this stage to consider the aim of letting the capital there are two issues which the precipitation is to increase the quantity of rain and allow the distribution of rain.6. Tools and equipment 1. Tools used in meteorology to measure and study the weather operating plan practitioner than from satellite images, weather maps received daily support from the Department of Meteorology is used include: . The wind gauge on the upper floor (Pilot Balloon) used measurements of wind speed and direction from the surface up to high level . Radio air (Radiosonde) as the polling tools, electronic radio transmitters, which will consist of a balloon and the radio tuner which indicates the temperature data. Various levels of humidity in the atmosphere  Radar weather machine (Weather Radar) that is already in use as a moving car can effectively bokboriwen that has the strength or quantity of rain and rain water and the rain Group's motion in a radius of 200-400 km, which in addition to their operating plan, and then also used as evidence in the evaluation of the operating capital to rain.7. check the floor surface air tool  such as thermometer gauge wind direction and speed in the rainy water quantity measurement, etc. 2. Chemical preparation tools, namely grinders, chemical mixers, both chemical and water tanks, and a powdered chemical scattering etc cone 3. Communication tool used to communicate between the order and the academics on the operating base or aircraft with between 2 operating base, or use reporting between bases operating arrangement dispute. In the central part of sharing by police radio communications centre, permanent radio Ministry of the Interior and Department of agriculture and telegraph communication tools currently in use include: single side band radio. FM.1, FM.5, radio teletypewriter, etc. 4. other technical tools such as operating equipment, planning, maps, compasses, binoculars. Monitoring tools, chemicals and other camera.8. rain radar station capital 5. Tools, equipment, scientific equipment, is a tool under the maximum value. Use it to plan a trial and evaluation tools, operating this type of rain capital of demo work, using a computer system. Control command to store the information collected can save information back from tape recordings in the new show format is nganklao to the data will be saved in the saved data tape. With a computer system that can be used at any radar system, which is connected to the display/a 20-inch monitor data by location, called
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
2. when his Majesty Explorer balance chart-Det Royal visit civilian conduct. When the year 2498 in North East Be aware of difficulties and sufferings of the people, the farmers who lack. Water shortage in the consumer and agricultural project with divine grace and the Royal Decree "rain capital", David with scribe to the gods that pour wakun mr To implement that as a research project. Artificial precipitation precipitation or operating capital up. Permanent affiliation in the Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives last year with the success of the project, 2512 has branded the decree established a firm operating capital in the rain in 2518-affiliated to the Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives is the project supported the Royal capital following. Rain Miri da.
3. step one: "harassment". In this step, the operation aimed at inducing chemicals floating up into the air mass above to achieve the process water vapour or moisture induced na sign formed a cloud operating time in this step should not exceed 10.00 pm each day by the use of chemicals that can. absorb water vapour from the air mass has a mechanism to stimulate the process of condensing water vapor in the air mass. Wind North of the target area. When the clouds start formation and growth, and thus use the chemical, exothermic reaction and scattering in a circle next to the South wind is a short distance into the clouds to stimulate joint axis group operating in the area for use as a hub to create rain. clouds in the next Step.
4. step two: "fatten" is a step that the cloud formation was growing, which is a very significant stage in the execution because it would have to add energy to keep going out, must use the updraft technology and experiences alongside rain simultaneously to decide what. type of chemicals everywhere scattering of clouds, and in which, therefore, an appropriate rate. Because of the need to give the process of with mist cloud updraft strength. Otherwise, clouds Will crumble.
5. step three: "attack" is the last step of the operating capital of clouds or rain methodologies group, rain clouds are dense enough to fall as rain can be. Within the cloud, there will be a lot of water large grain. If the airplane flying into the clouds rain water Koh tablets will be based on the aircraft's wings and Grille is a significant step. Requires considerable experience operating because it will be to reduce the severity of age of updraft updraft, or gone. For operating at this Stage to consider the AIM of the Capital Letting Two there are issues which the precipitation is to increase the Quantity of Rain and the Allow Distribution of Rain.
6. Tools and equipment 1. Tools used in meteorology to measure and study the weather operating plan practitioner than from satellite images, weather maps received daily support from the Department of Meteorology is used include: . The wind gauge on the upper floor (Pilot Balloon) used measurements of wind speed and direction from the surface up to high level . Radio air (Radiosonde) as the polling tools, electronic radio transmitters, which will consist of a balloon and the radio tuner which indicates the temperature data. Various levels of humidity in the atmosphere  Radar weather machine (Weather Radar) that is already in use as a moving car can effectively bokboriwen that has the strength or quantity of rain and rain water and the rain Group's motion in a radius of 200-400. km, which in addition to operating their Plan, and then also used as Evidence in the evaluation of operating the Capital to Rain.
7. check the floor surface air tool  such as thermometer gauge wind direction and speed in the rainy water quantity measurement, etc. 2. Chemical preparation tools, namely grinders, chemical mixers, both chemical and water tanks, and a powdered chemical scattering etc cone 3. . Communication tool used to communicate between the order and the academics on the operating base or aircraft with between 2 operating base, or use reporting between bases operating arrangement dispute. In the central part of sharing by police radio communications centre, permanent radio Ministry of the Interior and Department of agriculture and telegraph communication tools currently in use include: single side band radio. FM.1, FM.5, radio teletypewriter, etc. 4. other technical tools such as operating equipment, planning, maps, compasses, binoculars. Monitoring Tools, and Other Camera chemicals.
8. rain radar station capital 5. Tools, equipment, scientific equipment, is a tool under the maximum value. Use it to plan a trial and evaluation tools, operating this type of rain capital of demo work, using a computer system. Control command to store the information collected can save information back from tape recordings in the new show format is nganklao to the data will be saved in the saved data tape. With a computer system that can be used at any radar system, which is connected to the display / a 20-inch monitor data by location, called.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
2. When his Majesty Explorer balance chart-Det Royal visit civilian conduct. When the year 2498 in North East Be aware. Of difficulties and sufferings of the people the farmers, who lack. Water shortage in the consumer and agricultural project. With divine grace and the Royal Decree "rain capital", David with scribe to the gods that pour wakun M.R. To implement that. As a research project. Artificial precipitation precipitation or operating capital up. Permanent affiliation in the Ministry. Of agriculture and cooperatives last year with the success of the project 2512 has, branded the decree established a firm. Operating capital in the rain in 2518-affiliated to the Ministry of agriculture and cooperatives is the project supported. The Royal capital following rain Miri da.3. Step one: "harassment." In this step the operation, aimed at inducing chemicals floating up into the air mass above. To achieve the process water vapour or moisture induced Na sign formed a cloud operating time in this step should not exceed 10.00 PM. Each day by the use of chemicals that can absorb water vapour from the air mass has a mechanism to stimulate the process. Of condensing water vapor in the air mass. Wind North of the target area. When the clouds start formation, and growth and. Thus use the chemical exothermic reaction, and scattering in a circle next to the South wind is a short distance into the. Clouds to stimulate joint axis group operating in the area for use as a hub to create rain clouds in the next step.4. Step two: "fatten" is a step that the cloud formation, was growing which is a very significant stage in the execution. Because it would have to add energy to keep, going out must use the updraft technology and experiences alongside rain simultaneously. To decide what type of chemicals everywhere scattering of clouds and which therefore, in, an appropriate, rate. Because. Of the need to give the process of with mist cloud updraft strength. Otherwise clouds will, crumble.5. Step three: "attack" is the last step of the operating capital of clouds or rain methodologies group rain clouds, are. Dense enough to fall as rain can be. Within, the cloud there will be a lot of water large grain. If the airplane flying. Into the clouds rain water Koh tablets will be based on the aircraft 's wings and Grille is a significant step. Requires. Considerable experience operating because it will be to reduce the severity of age of, updraft updraft or gone. For operating. At this stage to consider the aim of letting the capital there are two issues which the precipitation is to increase the. Quantity of rain and allow the distribution of rain.6. Tools and equipment 1. Tools used in meteorology to measure and study the weather operating plan practitioner than from. Satellite images weather maps, received daily support from the Department of Meteorology is used include: . The wind gauge. On the upper floor (Pilot Balloon) used measurements of wind speed and direction from the surface up to high level . Radio. Air (Radiosonde) as the polling tools electronic radio, transmitters which will, consist of a balloon and the radio tuner. Which indicates the temperature data. Various levels of humidity in the atmosphere  Radar Weather Machine (Weather Radar). That is already in use as a moving car can effectively bokboriwen that has the strength or quantity of rain and rain water. And the rain Group 's motion in a radius of 200-400 km which in, addition to their, operating plan and then also used as. Evidence in the evaluation of the operating capital to rain.7. Check the floor surface air tool  such as thermometer gauge wind direction and speed in the rainy water, quantity measurement. Etc. 2. Chemical preparation, grinders tools namely, mixers both chemical, chemical and water tanks and a, powdered chemical. Scattering etc cone 3. Communication tool used to communicate between the order and the academics on the operating base. Or aircraft with between 2 operating base or use, reporting between bases operating arrangement dispute. In the central. Part of sharing by police radio communications centre permanent radio, Ministry of the Interior and Department of agriculture. And telegraph communication tools currently in use include: single side band radio. FM.1 FM.5 radio teletypewriter etc,,,. 4. Other. Technical tools such as operating equipment planning maps,,,,, compasses binoculars. Monitoring tools chemicals and other. Camera.8. Rain radar station capital 5. Tools equipment scientific equipment,,, a is tool under the maximum value. Use it to plan. A trial and, evaluation tools operating this type of rain capital of, demo work using a computer system. Control command. To store the information collected can save information back from tape recordings in the new show format is nganklao to. The data will be saved in the saved data tape. With a computer system that can be used at any radar system which is, connected. To the display / a 20-inch monitor data, by location
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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