1. in the implementation of this algorithm Two groups that need to exchange information with each other (e.g., organization, and (b)), the need to exchange secret keys to each other (which can mean delivering the key secret to another). Key exchange, it may be difficult and inconvenient. 2. both groups maintain that the secret key. Do not let others know in advance. The padlock is open to reveal to others (by one) and the other one does not acknowledge this issue may cause problems with the group that this group is not aware of this, for example, could send confidential message to another, but the text may be revealed by using the secret key in advance by others. 3. for the two groups that want to connect to. The secret key is required to use the number 1 key to เพื่. Assume that there are people who want to contact a number of n number of secret keys, all groups need to exchange ideas on all C integer 2n or n (n-1)/2 keys which can be seen that the number keys are too much, which could cause security problems, with these key.
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