Honey is a brainchild of nectar from flowers, and water resources from other sweet that worker bees used to collect accumulated. Through the stages of change and the chemical and physical properties, and accumulate in the hive
. Honey production methodWhen the bees collect nectar from flowers into the stomach, sweet water. Be enzymes from salivary gland drive change. Or metabolite glucose and fructose as a sugar processing (Invert Sugar) is the sugars levulose and dextrose, maltose,,. again, but they were very low. The reaction this change occurred since the bee began to fly back to the nest. While bees flutter will help accelerate the thermal energy of the enzyme.When the worker back to the nest. To exude nectar for bees in processed nutrients. Which will take by mouth. Honey honey processing aren't complete. Because there is moisture or water in the nectar of 30-40%.The syrup to collect in the head tube). In the evening the bee nest together. We will flap, help with the evaporation of nectar, honey and complete, there is only 20-25% water only.And food shortages next
.When the bees build the lid lid tube include, wax So intense at honey. Who will lead the combs to cut with a knife head lid lid. And then put it into the salad honeycomb rotation. The water flows out of the ear by centrifugal force. The bee
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