1.3 comparison of ethanol production by Saccharomyces and cerevisiae V1116 Zymomonas sp. TISTR 1102 in water Wei. Te TA TA ear ratings add sugar, sucrose and adding sucrose
1.3.1 comparison of ethanol production in water Wei. Te TA TA, 100% ear The ratings of sucrose sugar
.To prepare the water Wei. Te TA TA 1 ear volume, its 350 ml clear bottle you its size 2.5 L fill color tea sucrose 24% Brix (w / V) adjust pH ironing 4.5 วย 1.0 M HCl. For S. Cerevisiae V1116 and prepare water Wei. Te TA TA, ear volume 1 350 ml adjust pH 7 market and its 1.0 M NaOH for infections Zymomonas sp.TISTR 1102 lead the entire bottle 2 sleep nine bottle stopper for ลีฆ market and its financial market and its financial and infections like vapor compression pressure d.) 15 its อตา square inches 121 temperature and C 25-year time 15 minutes left 2001 loans in intense cold temperature. Then adding set TA both 150. Ml / bottle (or its infections begin securities 10%).Convert (25 5oC) measures the percent sign, its stable alcohol market and its facilities. Ebulliometer (picture 22 supplement.) pH Temple market and its pH meter and its total soluble. Solid market and its Pocket Refractometer (Appendix D) every day 5 25-year time 20 day
.1.3.2 comparison of ethanol production in water Wei. Te TA TA 100% ear with sucrose 24% Brix (w / V)
prepared water เวย te TA TA, ear volume 1 350 ml. Its clear bottle you its size. 5 L 2 color tea fine pH 4.5 market and its 1.0 M HCl for S.Cerevisiae V1116 and prepare water Wei. Te TA TA, ear volume 1 350 ml adjust pH 7 market and its 1.0 M NaOH for infections Zymomonas sp.TISTR 1102 sleep nine bottle cork for the 2 market and its financial market and its ลีฆ infections like vapor compression ratio and pressure d.) 10 its yellow, temperature 110 education C 25-year time 10. Minutes left 2001 loans in intense cold temperature (25 edge 5oC), then adding a TA both 150 ml / bottle (or its เริ่มต infections securities 10%).Convert (25 5oC) measures the percent sign, its stable alcohol its and its Ebulliometer measuring machine pH market and its pH meter and its total soluble solid market and its Pocket. Every day Refractometer 5 25-year time 20 day
.2. Optimization of ethanol production from S. Cerevisiae V1116
2.1 study concentrated their ratings of water Wei. Te TA ear เตรียม water Wei. Te TA TA the ear their concentrated securities 0% 25% 50%,,, and, 75% 100% (V / V) in the bottle size 2.5 L adjust volume, 2002 1 350 ml adjust pH 4.5 market and its 1.0 M NaOH by each period, their ratings of the concentrated water Wei. Te TA its ears do 8 bottle experiment in order to fill their ratings of concentrated sugar period, each kind of its go
2.2 education types and their ratio of sugar and molasses medicine bring water Wei. Te TA. Each ear period. The their securities operating out of BAE 2002 2 diversification in the bottle size 2.5. L by first partially amount. 4 bottle fill sugar experiment at their securities, medicine, 15 18And 21 24% (w / V) diversification second number 4 bottle filling experiment molasses at their securities, medicine, 15 1821 24% (w / V) and a bottle mouth business market and its tail for Lee and make against its infections like its the market and its vapor compression pressure 10). Its work ed อตาร finger 110 education C 25-year time 10. Minutes set ting 2001 loans intense cold temperature of fuel coming 150 ml selected volume.Set ting 2001 fermentation temperature its profitability was intense. Measuring the percent sign, its stable alcohol its and its Ebulliometer measuring machine pH market and its pH meter C. Its dissolution of solid market and its Pocket refractometer C. BOD. By the way Azide modification and its total protein Market and its Bradford Kit (Appendix A)
.2.3 distillation of ethanol from fermentation, distillation and its size. 2 ลิตรนํ water fermented at its the optimal conditions for ethanol production from S.CerevisiaeV1116, and its maximum amount of ethanol leads to distillation. By the fermentation at its bottle you pour its positive wind. Charlotte was its control on their debentures to bottle its wind, you guys Take the bottle you วตั้ง on its fleets. Observe and control the temperature of gas and its 78-85 C.300 ml percent sign measure its stable alcohol 2004 2005 market and its Ebulliometer
.Study 2.4 growth of S. Cerevisiae V1116 in optimal conditions of ethanol production prepare water Wei. Te TA TA, ear volume 1 350 ml rating you clear bottle its size 2.5 L fill color tea sucrose 24% Brix. (w / V) adjust the pH 4.5 market and its 1.0 M HCl sleep nine bottle stopper for ลีฆ market and its financial market and its financial and infections like vapor compression pressure d.) 10 its square inch, temperature 110๐ C 25-year time 10 minutes left 2001 loans in intense cold temperature. Fuel set TA on 150 ml / bottle set ting 2001 fermentation temperature its profitability was intense.Count of S.Every day cerevisiaeV1116 2 25-year time 20 day market and its way spread plate on a plate YM agar (Appendix A) and ความเจือจาง 10-5 10-6 around มท at temperature. 25oC 25-year time 2 day
3.? Testing method of disinfection capacity first area market in water Wei. Te TA TA
3 ears.1 to Juan its first aria competition capacity infections in water Wei. Te TA TA f ear market and its financial ไอนํ incidentally compressed water Wei. Te TA TA the ear their concentrated securities 100% volume 500 clear ml rating rating, size 1 pink bottle000 ml sleep nine three its stopper for its market and its ลีฆ infections do like their ratings incidentally vapor compression pressure d.) 15 its square inch, temperature and C 121 25-year time 1 5 minutes set ting 2001 loans intense cold temperature.Spread plate on food NA (Appendix A) and YM
.3.2 to Juan its first aria competition capacity infections in water Wei. Te TA TA ear market and its Potassium metabisulfite (KMS) bring water Wei. Te TA its ears and their securities. B 100% volume 500 ml. Clear bottle pink size rating rating, 1 000 ml sleep nine three its cork cotton fill KMS number 0.2 g (400 ppm) sleep nine bottle mouth market and its tail for Lee set ting 2001 at intense two 25-year time 24 hours. Take for example continued to water Wei. Te TA TA ที่ฆ ear its first aria infection capacity its KMS find its first aria from the remaining capacity market and its way Spread plate on food and NA YM
3.3.The first aria Juan. Infection capacity market in water Wei. Te TA TA ear market and its method of TA apply water Wei. Te TA TA the ear their concentrated securities 1 00% quantity. 500 ml lead to ta m loans qualify for 10 boiling time. Minutes after the 2004 bottles shaped pink size, its 1000 ml through neighbourhood blanching, business market and its mouth bottle cork for Lee set ting 2001 heavy cold. Take for example continued to water Wei. Te TA TA ที่ฆ ear its capacity its first aria infections and its method of TA. Find first aria from the remaining capacity market and its way Spread plate on food and NA YM
4.Expansion tank fermentation in the culture area, its size 200 capacity first L
. To prepare the water Wei. Te TA TA 250 ml ear volume in bottle shaped Pink Size ml fill its 500 sucrose 10% (w / V) of water, Wei เต TA and its pH RB received its ears 4.5 by using its 1.0 M HCl Juan prescription of market and its like its the vapour compression pressure d.) 10 its square inch 110 education C 25-year time 10 minutes set water Wei. เต made its left ear 2001 heavy cold. Culture bottle shaped pink thrive in its size 50 ml with infections. TA on the volume 25 ml lead to its Shaking found on incubator.Around its ana t qualify for time 24 hours preparing infections set TA on the total volume 10 L (10% inoculums)
.To prepare the water Wei. Te TA TA 100% ear volume 100 L TA with sugar 24 kg to qualify for a time 15 minutes until sugar dissolve its clear into the tank capacity, its first aria culture (images. 8) adjust the pH 4.5 market and its 1.0 and M NaOH 1.0 M HCl fill weight KMS 40 g (the level of their concentrated securities 400 ppm) to qualify for loans business machine to stir their unique 25-year time 30 minutes after its business machines, as RB nine lid left 12 2001. Hour fuel set TA on Volume 10 liter fermentation in 2002 Zimbabwe.
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