Chapter 9Technology for education________________Article 63 States have to allocate frequencies. The media and other infrastructure necessary to transmit radio and television broadcasting, radio communication and telecommunication in the image to use for the system. The education system also Formal education. The religious art and culture maintenance thanu as necessary. Article 64 the Government must promote and encourage the study and development of production technical books textbooks, other materials, devices, and media technology to accelerate development, education, and other capabilities in production. Provide funding to produce and provide motivation as well as production and technology development to the study of both the open competition by the Liberal fairness. Section 65 provides for both the development and use of technology for education to provide knowledge and skills in production capabilities, including using appropriate technology. Quality and efficiency.Section 66 participants are entitled to develop competency in using technology for education in the first place. In order to have adequate knowledge and skills to use technology for education in the pursuit of knowledge with his own life. Section 67 States need to promote research and development. The production and development of technology for education, including the monitoring and evaluation of educational technology to achieve that worthy and suitable to the learning process of the people of Thailand. Section 68 provides funding to establish a Development Fund for education technology State grants from. Concession fees and profits from the joint venture the mass communication. Information technology and telecommunications from all the relevant Government Department. The private sector and public organizations as well as to reduce rates in the use of such technology to the development of people and society. The criteria and how to allocate the funds to the production. Research and development of technology to education, as set out in the rules of the Ministry of. Article 69 States must provide central unit acts determine a policy plan to promote and coordinate research, development and use, as well as evaluation and performance of the production and use of educational technology.
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