When he came inside, was found to have a very wide selection. And be organized into categories for easy shopping. Whether shredded crispy sliced pork sausage with rice placed on the floor filled the Chaosua dazzled they will have a product that is classified as a box or a subset. To allow customers to buy a souvenir or gift agenda. It
is indispensable for Thailand is chili. Whether the province where chili is also one of the options for the deposit when the Chaosua have a new product coming out or what have organized promotion. It is in part a product with good taste. Who would like to taste, then buy it. Who does not taste like it, do not buy a product unless it has its own Chaosua from elsewhere come by, but it will be partitioned off. When the shop is very pleasant. It comes to the point of payment Outward is a food court and kiosks selling food, ready to eat it. If buy souvenirs at the center of this deposit. You can also buy the Chaosua the pump PTT with a Chaosua to open it.
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