Two brothers, as well as Gu larai consists Villa was born April 16, 1867 laboe Wright when the country United States city of Indianapolis and Willy's Mill State Boston August 19, 1871, when the Ville Wright was born at Ohio State, country United States city de yatan as well. His father is a priest named Milton Wright (Milton Writhe) mother named Susan Wright (Susan Writhe) both have only high school education only. After leaving school, Villa turned the printing and laboe bicycle Dayton City. Ohio, and when it came the end of Orchard Villa larian worked in a bicycle repair shop of laboe. Both have the ambition to fly at all times. The following are the news in Germany of the experimental glider Lilian flight times than that, but did not succeed and make lives, but Lilian than to the both the attention the next flights.
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