The crude refining a method of refining the methodology section, the sequence is that the various types of mixed hydrocarbon compounds in the crude oil will have a boiling point varies according to the number of internal carbon molecules (substances that contain a number of carbon will have a high boiling point), so when the water it mo.Bakhao a spear towards a release of high temperature 400° c. Crude oil is boiling the water and then float to the terrain on the upper part of the Javelin release to which temperature is lower than the boiling point of a substance. It will eventually condense into the liquid. For this reason, it can be a combination of the various substances present in crude oil. Passengers have high boiling point (carbon) will have condensation. The section is of low boiling points (the amount of carbon, at least) will have condensation coming out later, respectively.Refining crude oil Is a distillation of that principle. The combination of hydrocarbons present in crude oil. Boiling is different according to the number of carbon molecules. (For the number of carbon will have a high boiling point), so when crude oil into the column at a temperature of 400 ° C oil to boil and vaporize rise to the top of the tower, which has a temperature below the boiling point. of substance The substance is then condensed back into a liquid as possible. This is why the separation of different combinations in crude oil apart. Passenger high boiling (Total carbon) are condensed out before. The substance has a low boiling point (Total carbon) are condensed out later, respectively.
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