Some of the textbooks of the ocean is called the Buddha is as Buddha statue is located in the secluded Yap thayuen. Raise both hands up in front of God always to ura () is a character of some hair is prohibited. It looks similar to the Buddha pathologyAt the time the Buddha to Lord declared religion to Tambon uru time Sena Nikhom. God's phimphi Magadha substance he strongly impressed in their Office, fantastic hotel, wenkat sapa. Who is the head of chadin (a hermit who worship fire) which was admired in Magadha he shows success to torture a hermit UMA Wi-Fi diverse miracles wenkat sapa, and wild down. At the time the flood. He performs miracles do not water runoff coming from all directions, arrive at the inner circle and his chongkrom is a water wall, they've come to see chadin rowing, it's in the cities of mass and upasampada as monks.
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