History of the United States Starting with the traditional Independence in 1776 and has occupied its territory for the first time. Native Americans Since prehistoric times, also by. European colonization of the Voyages of Christopher Columbus starting in 1492, the largest settlement on the east by the English in the 1770s, beginning in 1607 the thirteen colonies. With two and a half million people have flourished and developed political and legal implications of their system. The threat of American self-government, the British government led to war in 1775 and declared independence in 1776, with military support from France and other major financial, Patriots won the American Revolution. 1789 constitution has become the basis for. US federal government There is a war hero George Washington. First president Young nation continues to struggle with the federal government's reach and influence in Europe, the first creation. Political party in 1790s, and the war's second to independence in 1812.
territory of the United States expanded westward across the continent, brushing aside Native Americans and Mexico and modernizers overcoming wants to deepen more economic growth. geography Of African slaves Canceled in the North One of the world make it hard for cotton grown in the southern states. 1860 election. Abraham Lincoln Calls for the expansion of slavery is no more slave states seceded eleven crisis is to find a group of United States in 1861 during the bloody civil war (1861-1865) redefined the country and continues to be an event. central symbol South was defeated and the renaissance, the US ended slavery in the right extension. African American And secessionist state readmitted to honest government. The national government has become more and now have a clear duty to protect the personal contiguous 48 states. Was admitted by early 1912, with Alaska and Hawaii in 1959 increased
thanks to Europe outburst of households in the north and from the arrival of immigrants, many millions of people, the United States became the leading power industry. By the early 20th century and was disgusted with the corruption of the traditional political awakening. Movement Progressive, 1890s - 1920s, driven reforms in industry and politics, and put into the Constitution. The voting rights of women and the prohibition of alcohol (canceled in 1933 after) first-neutral. World War II United States declared war on Germany in 1917, and supported the Allied victory. Of President Woodrow Wilson's refusal to follow the leader s' and never joined the League of Nations. After decades of prosperity in the year 1920 Wall Street Crash of 1929, indicating the onset of a long decade in the world. Depression Great. realignment politically driven from power and installed Republicans Democrat Franklin D. Roosevelt and his elaborate, expensive and New Deal programs for relief, recovery and reform Roosevel.
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