TC / year = 3 044 000 baht,, TC / year = 3 440, 000)
, TC / year, difference is 400 000)
TC / month = 253 666.67 baht / month, TC = 286 666.67 baht,
TC / month. Difference is, 33 000)
TC / month = 8 455.56 baht, TC / day = 9 555.56 baht,
TC / day, the difference is, 1 100)
note:From the comparison of New Existing Facilities both 2 position, it can be seen that the Euclidean Distance 1
2 were unequal. TC
. Different synoptic problemIf in the case of the investors in the area did not differ much. The location of the warehouse location subset of chicken 5 stars (x y) = (,, 7.350 5.487) is the best point coordinates but that does not mean that the most appropriate because the expense or the total cost (TC) is higher than the spot. X y (,) = (7 5) investors, executives should choose the position of (NF) coordinates (x y) = (7,,5), because it is the most ideal coordinates
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