For example, the event is set, which is a subset of the sample space, writing instead of E such as จากแซม ample space of the cast, such as dice.2 you 1 times. There will be events caused the points in common.E = {(1 1),,, (2 2), (,), (4 3 3, 5 4), (,), (, 5 6 6)}.To throw the dice 2. You 1 times. At the same time to obtain the sum is equal to or 7 sum is 7.E = {(2 5),,, (3 4), (,), (4 3, 5 2)}.For example, to throw the dice 2 balls simultaneously 1 times; find out1) dice you first turn points less than the second ball.2) dice, two positive effect is 8.3) is less than the first dice dice dominoes face the second is 1 points.How to make E1 E2 E3, and events of items, and 1 2 3.E1 = {(1 2),,, (1 3), (,), (1 1 4, 1 5), (,), (2 6, 2 3), (,), (4 2 5),,, (2 6), (,), (3 4 3 5),,, (3 6), (,), (4 4 5 6),,, (5 6)} answer.E2 = {(3 5),,, (5 3), (,), (6 4 4 2),,, (2 6)} answer.E3 = {(1 2),,, (2 3), (,), (4 3 4 5),,, (5 6)} answer.
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