Drugs "refers to a chemical or objects of any kind, which when the drug into the body, whether โดยรับประทาน, smell, smoke, injection, or by any. Actually have the mind and body in the major characteristics, such as the need to increase the drug more and more.The use of body and mind badly all the time. The general health deteriorated and the plants or plant parts that produced a narcotic or may be used to produce a drug trafficking.However, as the minister announced in the Government Gazette
.For example, a ยาเสพย์ติดให้โทษ laws, including heroin. Of amphetamines and some derivatives such as opium, morphine, and marijuana. Methadone
.Drug problem is a problem that a serious physical and mental health impact on society, economic prosperity of the country to share the change If any country people hooked many.There are many different kinds of drugs such as opium, heroin, marijuana, amphetamine, ecstasy, thinner content warped cottage, and antidepressants. Each species causing adverse effects to the whole body,
.Debilitating weakness has lost personality, and the important problem that followed another one. The drug is injected into the line type opportunity with AIDS and spread to the drug manufacturers together.,
.Even the government to declare war on drugs. It does not mean that protection. The suppression is a function of the government. To solve the problem of drugs are functions of all parties to work together
.The suppression of the solution at the end. Protection is also important. By providing education and knowledge about the danger and the punishment of drug continuously to the people, teachers, parents, children and youth in particular. Mom and dad.To take care of the children. Give love a warm family, rely on a child. When a child can talk! Resolve children to reason with children, not emotional.A dismal run wild and out of the house a dependence on addictive and bad future finally. "The youth are the future of the nation, not to the slave of the drug.
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