With UnityWhat is Unity?Unity is a game for the game property, Jin has been developed continuously since early in the game to accommodate the port on Windows, OS X and Web only. But now add port to Android and iOS, other platforms, nearly every platform.The current Unity can work on both Windows and OS X, which is a free version to use. Try to load the installed before!What are the advantages?The distinctive Unity games is property other Jin. Because in addition to ease of use. Ability to port thalong on various platforms. The quality of the game, it is in a high level.In addition there is a free version available. The price of the license fee itself is considered to be more Unity. If the property is another game against the Jin (price), so there's no surprise that the current Unity is the number one property game, Jin and has the most users. The game is in the App Store and Google Play almost half were created with Unity.Using Unity do?By con se card that has not been committed to the Unity games? A special format, we can use a variety of concepts Unity games. Whether it is the forward shot (Shooting First-Person) concept plan (Strategy) genre puzzle (Puzzle), there is no call limits.The Unity platform supports the official Web, PC, Mac, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, Xbox, PlayStation,Nowhere else is the game using Unity to create.Big games, a lot of loud was created with Unity, regardless of whether it is a Creed, Assassin's Bad Piggy or Kingdom Heart development teams both large and small, pay attention to Unity, because it is possible to create a fast game and worth 7.How do I start?Thai Web articles, news, Unity3D is about Unity is the first and only property in Thailand. When you visit this website, it is equal to Unity, then you start with the walls.Read an article about the usage by Thai Unity Unity3D at this link.Unity was created a friend to everyone, whether you're a novice developer or Pro Tools is a marketer who wants to game or the completed quickly beyond a sales tool to assist in the presentation of "best tools in your hands."
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