.Cinderella is a myth is a highly popular all over the world. A modified form of many thousand times].But abused and used as slaves. Later, thus falling in love with the prince or noble. The Cinderella fairy tale or folk tales have appeared in various countries. All over the world by the name of the protagonist to different.Charles Perrault. In C.Professor 1697 which is based from the literature of Ji am บัตติสตา Basil about La Gatta Cenerentola in 1975.In this 1634 protagonist named Ella (Ella), but the stepmother and sister to call her that her cruel, Cinderella (Cinderella). Which means "Ella the dirty". , which became the name in this fairy tale plot generally
.Cinderella has been voted by kids than 1 200 survey, from cinema chain UCI is a popular fairy tale หนึ่งในดวงใจ ranked last year. In 2004 survey from Google Trends on the year.2008 find that Cinderella's fairy tale's most popular and most discussed in the world of Internet history
The plot of the Cinderella there should be born, but the classical Greek historian Strabo, the name is written in the books, จีโอกราฟิก. The book 17 since about one hundred BC.Rhodopis (Rhodopis), which is believed to be the oldest story of Cinderella Rhodopis (the name means "the cheek rose").The eagle brings her shoes decorated with rose to leave at the end of year of Pharaoh in the city of Memphis. He said to the women in the kingdom was wearing the shoes this all to find out who wear proper Rodo พิสส and fit.Later, this story appears again in the writings of Claudius I lick Nuss (Claudius Aelianus shows that the plot Cinderella always popular, classical period Perhaps the origins of the character may be traced up to the 600.Which has two women in the Thrace, one with the same name. And who is well acquainted with with Aesop, fables ancient
.Plot summary. (from the issue of the แปร์โรลต์
with Cinderella fairy godmother, the paintings of Oliver Hereford based on the fairy tale of แปร์โรลต์
.The original Cinderella named Ella (Ella) is the daughter of a rich man rich. Her mother died when she was young.Shortly afterwards, the millionaire father died. The nature of the stepmother appears. Her daughter to work as a maid, Ella And spend the estate belonging to Ella lavishly, worse.As Cinderella, which means the girl in the ashes. Because they use Ella and garments patch dirty all over it!
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