Artificial rain
. 1 on cloud seeding.Cloud seeding, all well known hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, which is a process to create rain. The steam in the atmosphere, clouds, which is in the dry season, often floating through space that drought, without becoming rain.Converter technique and by using aviation technology. A change in nature, create clouds to grow up, create the situation ที่ทำให้เกิด wind. To help reduce the level of the clouds that grew to condense as raindrops.This must be the science scientific process observation, record, analysis, to build a hypothesis, the theory. The experiment was to understand all. Then the science is new.Rainmaking up really proved them. It happened in front of a group of people is important both in domestic and overseas
.2 process in cloud seeding
. 2.1. Cloud seeding in warm zone, which has a cloud with lower temperature 0 C
. Cloud seeding this call another thing that cloud rainmaking cold. To make strain had high clouds, the average 21 500 feet, or about 6450 meters have a lower temperature 0 C a cumulus cloud (Cumulus) is only born early and late rainy season. Cloud seeding in cloud types used in dry ice or sow grain small (dry ice) or silver iodide and (silver iodide).Heat the air within the clouds lifted above effect gravity under the base of the cloud.
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