When in the middle of the night was asleep but suddenly wake up for no reason, the นั้นเอง you we turn to look at the door latch.But back to see the child 2 looks cute. Walk hand in hand กันทะ abuse through the door in. One is a girl, the other is the boy was very frightened to get away.But I can"t move the symptoms ถูกผีอำ. But it is trying to close, but not close one"s eyes to look at the children, so I must 2 that didn"t have a choice. In the pray merrily.But the kid 2 he didn"t disappear. Back even approached a climb up on the bed. They run jump on you. I tried to pray every chapter, every spell conceivable.But no matter how children 2 prayer that guy doesn"t go anyway.
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