Geographical names, the Parthenon: Parthenon
location Greece
at present, can visit
.The Parthenon. A temple has been mentioning to the beauty and the perfect perfect. There 100 feet wide, long 230 feet and high 65 feet. Art is a Doric out system by architect named IK of NUS (Ictinus) and Callicrates.The construction under the control of the sculptor named PI ดิอ modulus (Phidias)
.Carcasses left to see is bracing structure with marble pillars, the color pink and gable portions and inside had, sculpture, the goddess Athena. This temple is located, the huge sacrifice. The goddess Athena later use as a church of theAnd then change to a Catholic Church until in an era where the Ottoman City, was adapted as the mosque, and finally being used as a store of gunpowder. In the battle between the Turks and the Venetian (Venetian) be bomb damage to some degree.The Parthenon, the worn out hard. When the war to save the freedom of Greek from the Turks
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