Switching Cost is the cost that the customer will have to be killed if I need to change or cancel. Any device or platform service to another service or device to another platform, instead of the existing expenses incurred is not required to be in the form of money, but always in a different format, such as might be time lost in. Familiarity with, or to learn a new product or service. Time and labor required to seek new products or services.In some cases, there may be charges incurred because of the agreement between the customer and the service provider. If there is a. Clear the use of goods or services before the agreed time, collectively referred to as the Switching Cost, which has a significant part in. Customer's decision whether to continue to use the original product or service? If the benefits to be obtained from the use of a new product or service is less than Cost, then customer Switching, it will lack the incentive to switch to a new product or service, because if the customer is not worth it, but feel that the benefits of switching to a new product or service is greater than the Switching Cost. The chances of a customer to switch to a new product or a new service, it will have a very high up. Switching Cost occur for various reasons, such as a feature of the goods or services that are. Features to attract customers. The behaviour of the customers in using the service, etc.
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