Good pointWhen you have a team race number 2 is already on the team, each team will send agents from the roller coaster will climb up by answering the questions for each question by question, there will be a total of 10 questions in 2 hours 30 minutes or 120 seconds if the responses are to rise gradually to the gradient, but if the answer is wrong, even though only one will have to come down if a new start within 2 minutes, the respondent can answer the question correctly, the whole 10 article it would have been a special award from the AIS for cash value of 100000 (one hundred thousand) Baht to occupy immediately contributed to decide which team will be the champion or not, be measured from either team had scored higher than other teams, if any team can beat another team. 3 it will be to win and reach around for the next big Jackpot prizes.Should improve development.1. to answer the question.2. the comedian playing a lot too.3. the participants responded to a Cadence rarely intend to delay likes to answer the orchestra played.Bring to utilize it?1. meditation in order to answer the question.
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