Career on our planet has a variety of many professions, but everyone have a dream job, like me. อาชีพใน my teeth have chef Organizer photographer graphic,,,, ,, designer movie director Doctor of Physical Therapy Policeman, but all I"ve ever wanted Organizer photographer,,, Doctor of Physical Therapy.For me, the organizer is like. "Sell the dream" is a dream come true, people"s imagination, such as wedding, everyone has a dream to get married. Who is the organizer"s organizer. The dream of one person to make him smile. It is our pleasure. And we have experienced and met a lot of people.The photographer should have first love for photography. I"m not แบบทั photography photography for water quickly. But a shoot, can convey feelings and tell or explain. For me, I made him look at the picture and smile, it"s a great feeling.The doctor of physical therapy is a profession in health sciences. Related to the prevention, treatment, rehabilitation and management of the movement is abnormal. Arising from the state and the state of the disease. Resulting in all stages of life The doctor of physical therapy the patient recovered suffering from the disease. And make the patients come happy again and get well.Dream career of each have different vary, but for me, a career to make others happy is what I like and love the most.
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