Today is Friday, July 15 is the first day of the holidays, 2559 (2016) stop after the sopklang sector, I got up at 8.30 pm time, bath time, and convert the dental episode, rice with 8.40 parents prior to the rice, finish time steps to make merit, 9.00 and make a pilgrimage to the temple elephant ear episode at 10.00 pm finish time steps, from 11.00 pm to then go to Robinson at 11.30 pm and return episodes from Robinson's visit has lunch at the high school page of chicken rice shop measuring Wal mok Rong Tong episode at 12.00 pm, eat rice finished with home episode at 13.00 pm and play games with a friend at 13.30 pm enough gaming time episode 1 done.5.00 pm parents to eat fresh houses in the suburbs, and it's up the car to the shop and then it eats rice and eat a time 17.00 pm kok back to the House episode at 17.10 and suddenly from the full 10 minutes and down to play basketball and workout with father episode at 17.20 pm play the finished episodes at 18.20 pm.
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