Steve Jobs is the president of its own. (Apples)
, and not long after, start famous, made him famous as one of the intelligent world because of his era, innovation, people specially interested
.However, people have to have suffering
Steve Jobs in pancreas cancer patients. A rare
to check up many times, was suspended. But he was not ทิ้งบริษัท
.During his illness, Tim prison, incumbent supervisor sales and operations all over the world of the apple. It is the executive agent
and then the day he had to go on 5 October 2001 2011
.Announced that Steve Jobs died peacefully from pancreatic cancer beset since the mid 1990. 2004 at the age of 56 years
.The tragic and shocking to people all over the world. All together to mourn him, who invented the band Apple
.But even that apple still open by Tim prison, took over as ประธานแทน Steve. and proceed to the present
.Still is a new product in the passive band Apple's alive, like Steve jobs that remains in the minds of people all over the world always
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