Projection / flipping is simply falsely accusing someone else of the doing / being the thing you're responsible for doing / being. These techniques are Fox News favorites. They are used in every Step of Fox's Propaganda Cycle, but they're especially effective at creating enemies. + On November 2,012th Episode of The O'Reilly Factor a, Notorious Bully Bill O'Reilly Media Culture and lambasted Dishonest "Vicious" from people. the far-left, saying: "There are entire media operations that exist solely to promote ideology; it's obviously a Bad situation that is getting worse. "He is describing himself and Fox News with alarming clarity, but accusing the" liberal Media "of his crimes instead. + In May the 2012th, President Obama was asked on The View whether or not He. expected the presidential election to be close. He replied, "When your name is Barack Obama, it's always tight." President Obama was referring to the tactics conservative pundits have used paint him as a non-American with sympathies and ties to radical Middle Eastern terrorist groups. That afternoon, however, Fox News regular Monica Crowley called the president "bigoted" for suggesting many Americans view him through a racist lens. This is flipping in a Nutshell: When a Victim calls You out on your bigotry and your suggest that they are the Bigot and You are the Victim. + Glenn Beck - Who has a long History of spewing racist Rhetoric against Black people, Muslims, and. undocumented workers - accused President Obama of having "a deep-seated hatred for white people, or the white culture.".
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