WrenchHow to use a wrench What type of wrench and use a wrench with security. Wrench is a tool that uses a torque key. Used for tightening or loosening the screw head gripping other bolts and pipe wrench will have the size and shape of different length wrench can be divided into 3. The type is. The adjustable mouth type wrench (Adjustable Wrenches) this type of wrench adjustable wrench small or large mouth, as appropriate, of the work that is to be used, such as a wrench or a wrench wrench handle and horse collar etc paep.Wrench adjustable mouth types do not have this type of wrench (Nonadjustable Wrenches) mouth of the wrench is a constant size cannot be adjusted to big or small, such as the mouth of the dead (Open-end Wrench) wrench wrench ring (Ring or Box Wrenches) and wrench (Combination Wrenches), etc.A special type of wrench (Special Screw Wrenches) this type of wrench is typically designed to fit the screw head, or the other effect is the only point from which the first type is a wrench 2 do not?, characterised by Vito (Socket Wrench), and Lubbock railroad switch l (Set Screw Wrenches), etc.Use a wrench with security can be achieved. Is as follows:Use the wrench provided with the size of the mouth and butt length is appropriate to use. It should not be longer than normal, butt plug.The mouth of the wrench must not be damaged, such as machinists, to widen the crack.When worn with a wrench, screw head and then head of the knot or. The mouth of the wrench must be tight fitting and full head covers.For those who prefer to catch the right wrench to use right-handed catch at the end of a wrench. The left hand part fixed to the stable The body must be in a stable and balanced condition.The tightening wrench, regardless of whether it is tightening, loosening or tightening must pull for the up to date and ready for the mouth of the wrench is dropped while tightening.Adjustable wrench should be selected, not before, such as, mouth-type wrench or ring wrench mouth die. If these do not wrench come use wrench adjustable wrench scroll type, such as, mouth instead.Use the adjustable wrench pipe wrench, move mouth types, for example, or the wrench handle paep. To give the mouth a scrollable is always next to the user.Use the adjustable wrench type Pak Need to adjust the mouth tightly with wrench knot before tightening the little exert.Dry mouth and butt of wrench must be free from oil or grease.To tighten the screw in the other, or narrow or deep, use of oral of Jae Jae bok bok, because is can conform to the hot hole.While transportation Wrench must be in the same plane, or other head screw head.Do not use a wrench with adjustable mouth knot-type or screw to be reused again because the loss of images or other screw.To keep the wrench should be held around the dry and free from grease or oil. If it is, it should use the wood panel hanging or unique box.
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