ผักคาวทอง is a herbaceous several years, high 15-30 cm stem round, green, broken out by the root, stem, leaf aroma Inca throughout a single leaf arranged alternately. Heart 4-6 cm long, 6-10 cm wide.The end of the blade sharp leaf base concave heart, smooth edge, the leaf blades smooth green, long petiole and stem, as บหุ้ม stem flower bouquet at the end. A white 4 bract leaf at the base of the inflorescence. Rounded flowers are small, white off many yellow result.Rupture seeds the
.Houttuynia cordata is a herbal medicine and the collected in summer and winter, withdraw the stems and roots, wash clean, dried flowers, flowers bouquet of flowers to digest. The seeds
ผักคาวทอง native name other include: คาวตอง (Lampang, Udon), Jews (MoonstoneUttaradit), vegetables (son) เข้าตอง Gantong vegetables, vegetable kow Tong vegetable loosening (northern) PLU (central)
.Both the pungent flavor cold diuretic cure swelling swells, abscesses, pneumonia, bronchitis, cough, dysentery, infectious diseases, urinary tract infections, middle ear inflammation. And the piles. If you eat too much will make short breath, and how often, can be dangerous!The fresh external use, after the abscess. Swelling, wound, skin diseases, ดากออก snake bite, and help the bone connected to the faster
.Fresh leaves. Fire when using various tumor soft mask leaves used to prevent rotten fish, boiled rice, wheat and cotton. Watered rice plant disease prevention wither die. This plant is used as a laxative. Pathological eating fever, indigestion, diarrhea, measles
.I used to drive the baby died in the stomach
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