ไม้ขีดไฟก้านเล็กจะนี้สักก้านอาจจะช่วยทำให้รู้สึกดีขึ้นหากเธอจะกล้าดึงเอามันออกมาจากมัดเพียงก้านเดียวเท่านั้นแล้วขีดเข้ากับกำแพงเพื่ออังนิ้วของตัวเองให้อุ่นขึ้น" แชะ " เกิดประกายวาบแล้วก็ลุกโพลงขึ้นมันเป็นเปลวอันแสนสดใสและอบอุ่นคล้ายดวงเทียนเล่มเล็กจะหนูน้อยเอามือขึ้นป้องมันไว้เป็นดวงประทีปที่แสนวิเศษหนูน้อยเคลิ้มไปว่าตัวเองกำลังนั่งอยู่ที่หน้าเตาผิงและลูกบิดเป็นทองเหลืองขนาดใหญ่ไฟกำลังลุกโพลงและแสนจะอบอุ่น
วิเศษ . . . . . . .แม่หนูยื่นเท้าออกไปเพื่อจะอังให้มันอุ่นขึ้น A เปลวไฟก็ดับวูบลงเตาผิงก็ได้หายวับไปหนูน้อยนั่งถือก้านไม้ขีดไฟที่ไหม้แล้วค้างอยู่ในมือไม้ขีดไฟก้านใหม่ถูกจุดขึ้นมาอีกมันไหม้โพรงสว่างไสวคราวนี้ผนังตึกโปร่งใสคล้ายเยื่อไม้อันบางเบาหนูThe seller: matches
.Cold, the snow is falling, and the night is coming up. Today is the last day of the year, new year's Eve to welcome the new year in, the cold cold. And the dark, in the street, there are a lot of people went out shopping.And in the midst of the back-and-forth of those people have little girl dressed in clothes. Old and dirty man walking along the road to sell matches, which is her career there.And hold it in hand. The big boy walked shouting matches for sale indefinitely. "Who want to stick with matches?.... the matches. Matches "
" you legs...Please kindly bought match for me, "she said, sell with two a mother and her daughter were walking past. With the hope that the two mother and daughter seems to be kind, you don't know that maybe she will receive mercy? It may be. "...How many is not all it, forget it. Ask for others to see. "No one bought the match from her throughout the day and no one give you even a penny. Poor little rat.Snowflake fluffy on Grand Island I long golden hair of her shoulders. Of course, I don't think for airscrew in their own right at all for it!
.Tried to sell matches her walk around like daydreaming, and while she was going to cross the street. Another one camps. It has sailed past the cart with high speed, so she can jump, Dodge, it makes the old shoesIn all direction. She was shocked, but cried about her shoes with a loud voice, "Oh, shoes"
.She tried to sell matches. If today you sell a bundle or can't match. Money even for one shilling one. When home by empty-handed. You'll be my father who is a drunkard hitting it abused girls.Poor little guy looked back to shoes that think pity, because, although it is just a pair of shoes, old that big foot size her greatly. However, it is the foot of her deceased mother.She is wearing a pair of outside in the winter for the benefit of both the cold. The only only one pair.. strong jump with the scurrying makes shoes. On the one side went nowhere to be found. The other boys naughty one grab it and said, "he will do for his child's sleep" garage before running away from there...
.Because of this, the girl had to walk barefoot on the red dark bruised because cold along the road, she collected the scattered everywhere indiscriminately matches fall over. That gloomy ".If you go back home to get my father scolded beaten. "What do you think how much like drifting. Then she went about destination, small feet that pair. Traumatic until green because of the cold snow, oh.. welcome what... What? A poor child was so...
the light out of the window at home all the doors and the smell of roast goose, the fragrant tickles ออกมาสู่ Road, yeah...Today is new year's Eve to welcome the new year, baby and said to himself all the time. The giggle. The happy joyful and people in the house they call her to stop and look.It is in your thoughts, whoop one do you envy them. Suddenly the water flowing down like eyes, she will eventually hold. It is a way to late won't stop
you thinking about my mom can't help it... Because when I was alive, I always held the feast and cook. To thank God for Christmas. For you and your family always...But now there is no mom died, she saw the house is both a gift for his children, children get sheep wrap well. How I envy their good fortune them so much...You look happy. They don't know how much longer, and she came to take ก็ต่ when. The fire lit up in the house was turned off. Everything back to the state of silence....
snow still falling periodically, the girl still walk the next
.Gradually, and because the cold and fatigue, you went to fall down the stairs บ้านหลัง hiding at one. The overhanging eaves out small but it'll help cover. The snow? You sit hadBut it won't be able to help you recover a little cold. She dared not go home because of you. He is cruel to her when I was drunk.... she was so scared... Baby cold and trembling all over. Her hands are so cold and almost as water ice. She tried to shrink to small again. But she still cold like that. Don't you feel warm really
.Tiny hands, both of my cold cold numb with cold, ah...Match n. this tiny a stem may help make you feel better if you dare to pull it out from the tie only stem only. Then struck against the wall. In order to his own fingers to warm up."Click" spark flashover and kindled the flame is an extremely bright and warm, like light candles in King, little hands to prevent it. Sun lamp is wonderful. Baby away myself sitting in front of the fire.A brass knob and a large fire's blazer and warm
magic...You stick your foot out to ang it to warm up. But the flame, it went out. The fireplace has gone, baby holding uninsured motorist clause fire. The burning and hold the in hand matches new stem was up again. It burning bright time hollow wall building.Like a light transparent pulp.
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