The study of meaning yes yes. Is the wrong food with the disease or condition is with the body at the moment. Most yes or forbidden foods. When saying, slang to remember the belief of Thailand.Together, will arise from the Thai. According to some correct nutrition for pregnant women, but some are conflicting. According to the beliefs of Thai wisdom, he believed that these foods is yes yes. Fever in general.(spicy) alcohol, beer, rice dwarf galaxy, bamboo Dong adopting, pickled vegetables, cassava, sapodilla, carambola Averrhoa bilimbi, watermelon, pineapple. Zucchini, ska, longan, ลูกู, mangosteen, longan, Lampang, papaya, rambutan, durian, coconut water, snacks Chinese banana green.Banana shrimp, etc., guava, common name Guava guava, scientific name Psidium guajava Linn.The fruit is native to Central America with bar islands in the West Indies and Egypt And expect the come in during the reign of King Narai the great characteristics of Botany, guava trees are 3-10 meters high.The bark is smooth, single leaf and twig is square soft fur is short. Leaves simple, opposite, oval scams parallel edges 3-8 cm wide.6-14 cm long, a single flower or flower bouquet 2-3 out at the corner. Petals white, fall easily. There are many stamens. The result is a fresh, raw green edible. When cooked, it is yellow.
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