Chapter 1Introduction Problem waste is an important environmental issue, one of the community all around the world because it has the best relative to the density of population and economic career. Their society from the economic growth and social development today. As a result, there is a production and packaging. In a variety of formats to meet the needs of consumers which products and packaging, most complex productions using elements that are difficult to get rid of the. Moreover, the public does not see the importance of separating waste, waste, thus affecting quality. Environmental aspects such as soil pollution occurred. Water pollution Air pollution and health problems, which are harmful to people's health, such as the stench as the source, because the animal species of flies and other germs to people. The water from the waste that may be absorbed into the underground water pollution in the water and cause in the soil as well as the landscape conditions occurred. cause nuisance to people living nearby. At all levels, from the local level to a regional level and global level (2553 (2010): Mr. Thongchai thongtawee,) The problem with people in the community villager con school district city of kalasin t. Lup is full of rubbish, the side of the Road area, the middle way of banboriwen according to the alley of the village. There are also mounted by waste water side Groove in the village, which is caused by the behavior of the individual, as well as the trash inside the village, there is not enough (Mrs. Boa Monday, Jun. 15, 2014 community individuals lucky bun rueang interview;) ด้วยเหตุผลนี้เองผู้วิจัยจึงมีความประสงค์ที่จะศึกษาพื้นที่ชุมชนบ้านคอนเรียบ ตำบลหลุบ อำเภอเมือง จังหวัดกาฬสินธุ์ ผู้วิจัยเล็งเห็น ความสำคัญของปัญหาในการจัดขยะมูลฝอยของชุมชน บ้านคอนเรียบ เนื่องจากปัจจุบันพื้นที่ชุมชนบ้านคอนเรียบประสบปัญหาปริมาณขยะมูลฝอยจากหมู่บ้านมีปริมาณเพิ่มขึ้นเนื่องจากการขยายตัวอย่างรวดเร็ว อย่างไรก็ตามชุมชนบ้านคอนเรียบยังไม่มีการดำเนินการเกี่ยวกับการกำจัดขยะแต่อย่างใด ประชาชนยังใช้การจัดการขยะมูลฝอยโดยวิธีการเผาและฝังกลบเองในแต่ละครัวเรือน เหตุของปัญหาที่ตามมาก็คือ ปัญหากลิ่นเหม็นของขยะ ปัญหาควันจากการเผาขยะ ซึ่งปัญหาเหล่านี้ส่งผลต่อสุขภาพประชาชน โดยตรงและในระยะยาวปัญหาขยะมูลฝอย ยังเป็นต้นเหตุของปัญหาความด้อยประสิทธิภาพในการจัดการด้านสาธารณสุข(สำนักงานสาธารณสุขตำบลหลุบ, 2557)The purpose.1. to help solve problems in the community.2. in order to reduce the waste campaign in the community.3. to cultivate awareness and use of knowledge to people in the community on the subject of waste separation, before leaving.Scope.1. the content. In a study of issues in the community villager smooth icon. Among the 1. Tambon mueang kalasin Lup To manage the waste, namely the reduction in the occurrence of waste recycled and the waste separation.2. the period of time. Researchers continue to study the problems in the community villager smooth icon. Among the 1. Tambon mueang kalasin Lup Research and data collection stored data between June to July 2557 2557.3. the population is a problem in the community villager smooth icon. Among the 1. Tambon mueang kalasin Lup using simple random method (Krejcie & Morgan), the number of people in a sample of 260 804 people.The benefits expected to be received. 1. reduce the amount of waste in the community. 2. the relationship between those who make the work with target groups in an Exchange. Knowledge and ideas. 3. make a clean community.The specific term definitions.Waste means those things which at that time people didn't want it, and; Also included throughout the cloth scraps to animal manure Animal carcasses ash dust and debris swept from store supplies, housing, building a road around the animal market. Industrial and otherManaging solid waste means any action that involves the management of solid waste in the LAT phrao Bangkok: waste separation to reduce waste. The recycled.Solid waste management behaviour means action or actions of people is routine. In order to make the waste disappear from the shelter as clean care within the household by collecting waste separation to destroy. The disposal of solid waste from households To bring back the use of waste, including solid waste solutions in household.To reduce solid waste refers to a method of trying to reduce waste caused by minimal from the origin, such as the use or purchase of an item that uses the least amount of packaging material does not support usable category and purchase items at one time and leave. Well adapted Repair materials and money-saving devices etc.Waste separation refers to the way solid waste management based on separate certain types of waste from the community solid waste: waste separation waste into dry waste category. "A simple, solid waste solid waste and dangerous waste, etc.To reuse means screening materials from recycling waste in the community, in order to reuse paper, plastic, glass and metal, including.People refers to the head of the family, his wife, the head of the family. Family members who live in community, home, head to Nong. Tambon Kham Maha sarakham province, kantharawichai district sortGender refers to the gender of the respondents are: female, male.Age refers to the number of years since birth, until the current year of the respondent.Occupation refers to the occupation of the respondent's job.
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