Residential room leaseThe original lease contract made between the years ....... age ............................................. House No. ................Street ..................... subdistrict district province of ........................ ........................... ...........................This contract, which was to be called "the rent" party with a year-old .................. .......................................The number of home ............... road ............... subdistrict ............................... District ..........................The province, in the contract ..................................... called a "tenant" at the other end, one of the partners, sited in the two parties have agreed.Contracting with the same text as follows:1. the rental phahai rental phachao rental and educate the ยส์ิน system is .........................................................….…………………………………………..…เพื่อประโยชน์ที่ผเู้ช่าใช............................................................... ้ .โดยCheck the processing duration defined for กน้ grain of salt sensitivity ้. Such ........... but ..................... date date .....................................2. phachao OK Cha The finance lease monthly rental by ผ้ให results check box. To dacha The inside วนัที่ ........................Ask each month every month. In อตัราค่า rent/month ............................... baht (..........................................)3. in this contract, the rental phahai rop Wanta cash advance is a กนัการเช่า and a kaphachao damage is coming. "จ านวน……………………..บาท (……….………………….…………………………………..)4. the tea. The lease must be น้นัผเช่า na. Up to tea. The กบัผ provide the rent at the La landscape and phahai copies of the.Phahai rental ตว้ rental phahai agent or to rent กบัผ rentals ยอ่. Mamai, a clear face of WOR phachao latest dangak.5. taxes phahai phachao housing for rent Malta Ta phasia is a ตัราที่ instead of a rental contract. If that officer evaluationsCollect rent on the contract amounting to อตัราค่า phachao it must be value phasia BA. Ngaphasi Wi-Fi ทอ้ง, and any other taxes that are on it. Land, buildingsRent the Government enacted laws to continue as Wi-Fi. In future phachao phahai ท้งัสิ้น rent replacement warrants and compiled as phahai for rent.Waste law.Article 6 the ยส์ินที่ resource ท้ phakhao. support to on-going mother. งอื่น in addition to that specified in article 1 of this contract and the rop.Compiled by phahai งัสือจาก means formal lease, but phachao will use ยส์ินที่ resource ท้ to go น้ไม่ like น้น้ไม่ ngadet อ้ย่า Dal law duai lack.7. Article phachao must maintain a ยส์ินที่ generally does not hire slow disruption. In a hurry than the original brand, and willing to provide the ผ้ for rent or lease phahai instead of ตว้.To see a selection of rental directory is always on time, if rented building mokwon Anas b. phachao in a hurry and damaged tea ignore damage does not repair.Haimitphap/ง้เดิม inside the check box. นบ้ วนัที่ผให means "30-day rental, but the bok said the results ผ้ rental phahai rental repairs are.Repair damaged parts in a hurry, the tea ท้ tree. When true, the rental value yangoen phahai repair phachao must be equal to the money used chot repair night.Provide a phahai for ท้งัสิ้นAn 8. phachao to ดด้ conversion, or more generally ยส์ินที่ to rent. Must the rop from phahai rent a la Plaza kat akat accidentally?It will repel any damage caused if it meant accepting phachao phadi, damage ท้งัสิ้น verse 9. those construction or repair of rental ยส์ินให resources in your area. When the phahai rent from a selection of rental-3186.Oton rai or Ta Lai is a อนัขาดและ construction or repair saemot ngak walae hunt ว้น้น. Must be phahai for ท้งัสิ้น by?Any claim will not.Verse 10. phachao จดัการใน ยส์ินที่ resources areas must not hire haimising strike and not smell the Tana.Any trade อนั is objectionable or Ta. Troubling audio results ผอู้ yakae prices on a particular theme. Yato ยส์ินที่ over coat rentingOr possibly the anat Dai ngaiVerse 11. phachao must get phadi among any pattern or damage happening to bubot อนั generally ยท์ี่เช่า because of errors.Phachao's บัผ ayaku, or the person or persons who จด้ into phachao Steiner.12. Article phachao is not promised to remove bukkhon ยส์ินที่ other resources to provide the rental car ท้งัหมด range or partially and does not.ศยัดา อยอู่ phadai one allowed to trade in any of the duties or within the ยส์ินที่ system for น้แต่ Vegas to Dai – PAP.Allow from phahai rent a la Plaza kat lookin akat.Article 13 if กนัอ คัคีภยัสา phachao of. Resources for ya มบตัห or their goods inside the system must hire ยส์ินที่.Authorized phahai rent a la lucky kat is กนัอ Ka คัคีภย้ akat accidentally.14. If the contract does not dry phachao phadi. Is rent by check? 2. in the ขอ้ means that the lease is a อนัสิ้น.LCL must dismiss the lease rental phahai ยอ่. Motrong access rights filter sensitivity over the possession of ลบั ยส์ินที่ for the climb and the troops.Rent a car ผ้ให results contained in human resources or move ยส์ินของ phachao away from ยส์ินที่ resources for hire. Again, MA ท้งัยนิ ผ้เช่า between key NATO acceptedClose to ยส์ินที่ is generally occupy over ยส์ินของ phahai rent.Verse 15. phahai rental ยอ่ sitthi ผ้เช่า machai wahai star was more than the บตัตามสัญญา interaction or dismiss this contract or call.Labor cost for lift บัผ นัที ท้ the Charter when it appears that the phachao contract ดัผ contract this phadin di ขอ้ห ขอ้ womkon ขอ้ร or any heating.16. the phachao support อตัราร้อย dok bia chot accepted in each of 15. Per year of the amount of rent that is holding the tea. Phahai-rent or?The damage claim for rent phahai from phachao. Strong support, as well as the rental value of yatang phahai waste must go to a claim results in slow. Specify the valueRent e-press are cursed with.17. phachao must phachao ยส์ินและ system of moving and Maurice ยส์ินที่ disruption to return rental resource chapter phahai for rent in.Regular State ทนัทีเมื่อ this contract ended or canceled outside If phachao is not the principal บตัตาม principal place of phachao to adjust the amount of support disruption chot phahai rental in อตัรา.THB 500 per day (five hundred 650) นบ้ or วนัที่สัญญา, but this lease this lease terminated กนัห ended until it has been sent.Chapter ยส์ินที่ resource results in return for Maurice to phahai hire phahai hire hon directory or Western attempt บั membranes over ยส์ินที่ Canal hire duai ourselves.Article 18 in the contract วนัทา. Phachao ton wottra ยส์ินที่ resources directory for your Asian and Western cuisine. See that there are good conditions and normal in all respects.Rent the lesson song will provide rental ยส์ินที่ resources international phachao Lae and Western cuisine.Partners ท้งัสอง, Director of the ขอ้ค to understand and improve all of the contract of guarantee under the supervision of Asian and Western cuisine. It has signed up into.หลกัฐานสา คญัต่อหน้า witness.This contract annulled There are two chabop. There are ขอ้ค of กน้ must be met and the parties believed just yadue ท้งัสอง Wai fai and chabop. ลงชื่อ..........................................ผู้เช่า
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