Mr. VM Enterprise Federation representative Ney wind check to benefit children internationally is proposed to the Department of social welfare, there is a national children's day to encourage people to see the importance of children and to encourage the awareness of self.National children's day in Thailand, the first time it was held on the first Monday of October and has consecutively acquired 2498 (1955) annually until a thought should 2506 (1963) is changed to children's day. On Saturday, 2nd of January because it sees that as the winter range, and is a public holiday, with can.But in the next year is 2507 (1964) The child cannot be arranged immediately became on Saturday which equate 2508 (1965) 2 of January as national children's day until now.The Government has provided the Board of Directors of the national children's day coming up, one Committee serve as a liaison with other agencies, both public and private sectors, State enterprises. Children's Day celebration is set for both national and regional. Intended to give children throughout the country, both in and outside the school system, the school system has recognized the importance of their own about the rights. Duties and responsibilities Discipline to self and society. There is a National Institute on religion, monarchy and democracy. Of the King as head of StateNational children's day His Majesty the King's instruction of Royal thanop RA. Lord please ratha bishopric, m.d. m.s. and his Excellency the Prime Minister, your motto is children's day motto, with Thailand every year.For the annual children's day motto of this Prime Minister. Avoid disasters and invited The children are. "There is moral discipline and hunger for learning partners. Bring democracy. "The child is an important resource of the country, which is crucial in the development of the nation. The country, prosperous and stable, as well as those who must grow up as adults in coming days to act, as well as economic, social, cultural and other changes, etc.Therefore, it's important to society and provide children's day every year so that kids hole up the importance of their own will be able to conduct their fit is critical of the country. With the intention to seek their learns to behave in a recognized discipline to spend time thinking. There are industrious and responsibility honestly, etc.
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