This story tells the story of a boy named Peter Pan, who wants to be a child forever and doesn't want to take orders from anyone. On a small island called Neverland, he is a captain without a family child. As a child, Peter Pan invited Wendy to fly to Neverland with the fairy powder of the magical fairy Tinker Bell, but Peter Pan also had a terrifying enemy. Mature pirates like Captain Hook. Jealous Peter Pan's little Dingdang wanted to get rid of Wendy, which made Peter Pan very angry. He didn't want to see him again, but in the end, we had to help each other to survive. Wendy, his brother, and children lost the versatility of Peter Pan and Little Dingdang, defeated Captain Hook, and returned home safely and happily. Happy Missing Child Becomes Wendy's Family in a Warm House, Peter Pantinger Bell Returns to Neverland
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