.Thanksgiving (Thanksgiving Day) is a day off for commemoration and Thanksgiving in the สิ้นฤดูเก็บเกี่ยว in the United States. Thanksgiving Day will coincide with the fourth Thursday of November every year.This tradition occurs after the evacuation of Europeans in North America. Although this tradition is the traditional one of the individuals in the Americas that Christian. But in Europe there is this tradition
.In this Thanksgiving, Americans will spend time with family and ใหญ่ด้วยกัน meal. The popular food eating until the tradition is the turkey.Macys in name Macys Day Parade (Macy 's Day Parade)
.The history
.Thanksgiving is the history since ancient times. As it is written in the Bible. The IRA believed that farming cultivate El or animals. Human beings are the sower, and maintain.When the harvest, he was the first to offer to God as a thank you, whatever is the first productivity and the best, he will bring unto God. As the first son, the first sheep, income for the first time in my life, etc.To bless the life and work of his prosperity. In America, the one on Thanksgiving Day. Flag day and Sue give run which is the history.
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