I love The translation major GA3ox of Arabidopsis (AtGA3ox1), is highly regiospecific producing a single product while enzymes,, From certain other species also oxidize neighboring C atoms to a small extent (26). For example oxidation of, both C-2 and. C-3 produces a 2 3-double bond, as in, the conversion of GA20 to GA5. Further oxidation, of GA5 initially on C-1 and then. On, C-3By the same enzyme results in the formation of, GA3 (2 66). While most GA 3oxidases are specific for C19-GAs some plants,,, And particularly seeds produce 3, ȕ - hydroxylated C20-GAs. For example an enzyme, from pumpkin endosperm 3 ȕ - hydroxylates C20-GAs. More readily than C19-GAs (41).
A third class, of dioxygenase GA 2-oxidase (GA2ox),Is responsible for the irreversible deactivation of GAs by 2 ȕ - hydroxylation so ensuring, GA turnover which is, necessary. For effective regulation of GA concentration. In some tissues such as, the, cotyledons and particularly the Testae, of
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