1 Articles หมายถึง คำนำหน้านาม แบ่งเป็น 2 ชนิด คือ1.1 “a” หรือ “an” เร การแปล - 1 Articles หมายถึง คำนำหน้านาม แบ่งเป็น 2 ชนิด คือ1.1 “a” หรือ “an” เร อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

1 Articles หมายถึง คำนำหน้านาม แบ่ง

1 Articles หมายถึง คำนำหน้านาม แบ่งเป็น 2 ชนิด คือ
1.1 “a” หรือ “an” เรียกว่า Indefinite Articles
1.2 “the” เรียกว่า Definite Articles

2. Indefinite Articles นำหน้านามเอกพจน์เท่านั้น ให้สังเกตคำนำหน้านามที่เป็น indefinite article ต่อไปนี้
a horse

an elephant
a car

an airplane
the Pacific

the air

จะสังเกตได้จากการใช้ a, an, the นั้น จะขึ้นอยู่การออกเสียงของคำ ซึ่งตามหลัง a, an หรือ นั้น มิใช่ขึ้นอยู่กับการสะกดคำ ดังนี้

a uniform (ไม่ใช้คำว่า an uniform) เพราะคำนี้อ่านออกเสียงตามพยัญชนะ คือ ยู
a one-eyed man (ไม่ใช้คำว่า an one eyed man) เพราะคำว่า one ออกเสียงด้วยพยัญชนะ ว

1. a ใช้นำหน้านามเอกพจน์ที่ออกเสียงแรกด้วยพยัญชนะ ดังนี้
a shoe , a European , a car ,a useful tool เป็นต้น

2. ใช้ “an” นำหน้านามซึ่งตามหลังมา และนามนั้นออกเสียงเป็นเสียงสระ (เสียงสระคือเสียงที่เปล่งออกมาเป็นเสียง “ออ” เช่น an accident an hour
an egg , an honour , an orange , an interesting book

3. กฎของ Articles มี 3 ประการ คือ
1. ห้ามใช้ “the” กับนามพหูพจน์ และนามนับไม่ได้ เมื่อกล่าวถึงสิ่งต่างๆ โดยทั่วไปเช่น A church is usually cool
2. ห้ามใช้นามนับได้กับเอกพจน์ โดยไม่มี articles เช่น the book, a book แต่ไม่ใช่ book
3. ใช้ a หรือ an นำหน้าอาชีพ หรืองานบุคคล เช่น She is a doctor (ใช้ she is doctor) ไม่ได้
4. การใช้ articles

4.1 การใช้ indefinite articles (a/an)
1) ใช้ในความหมาย “หนึ่ง” หรือ “any” เช่น
He has a brother
2) ใช้ในการบอกหน่วยการวัด a, an มีความหมาย = ต่อ
He drove the car at 100 miles an hour
This Thai silk costs two hundred baht a yard
3) ใช้นำหน้า dozen, hundred, thousand, million, billion
I bought a dozen book
A hundred cows were in the field
4) ใช้นำหน้านามที่บอกอาชีพ การค้า ศาสนา เป็นต้น
She is a doctor
She is an official in the bank
She is a Buddhist
แต่ถ้านามนั้นบ่งถึงตำแหน่ง หรือสำนักงานซึ่งกำหนดให้ผู้ดำรงตำแหน่งมีเพียงครั้งละผู้เดียวไม่ต้องใช้ a/an
The made him Prime Minister
Kanittha was Professor of Development Education
ไม่ต้องใช้ a/an กับคำนามที่บอกยศ (rank หรือ title)
My friend gained the rank of Coronel
5). ใช้ a, an เมื่อเป็นการอ้างถึงบุคคลที่เรารู้จักแต่เพียงชื่อ
A Mr. Johnson telephoned you this morning
(ใช้ a แสดงว่าไม่ทราบว่าเขาเป็นใคร แต่เขาบอกว่าชื่อ Mr. Johnson

6) ใช้ a, an กับนามที่ซ่อนนามตัวหน้า (noun in apposition) เมื่อสิ่งนั้นหรือคนนั้นเป็นสิ่งที่ไม่คุ้นเคย
Sunthhornphoo is Thai poet
Daotho, a small village in Chiangmai

7). ใช้ a/an กับประโยคอุทานที่ขึ้นต้นด้วย What
What a beaufiful girl she is !
What an ugly man he is !

แต่ถ้าประโยคอุทานที่ขึ้นต้นด้วย what นั้น ตามด้วยนามนับไม่ได้ หรือนามพหูพจน์ไม่ต้องใช้ a/an นำหน้านาม
What + นามนับไม่ได้ + S+V
ตัวอย่าง “What lovely flowers they are!

8) ใช้ a/an กับวลีต่อไปนี้
ตัวอย่าง It’s a pity that she can’t come
He wants to keep this a secret

as a rule: to be in a hurry
to be in a good/bad temper
to tell a lie: all of a sudden
It’s a shame to do that : to take an interest in
to take a pride in: to take a dislike to
to make a fool of oneself : to be in a position to
to have a mind to
to have a chance : to have an opportunity to
at a discount/premium : on an average
a short time ago

นอกจากนี้ ยังใช้ a/an กับความเจ็บไข้ เช่น
To have a headache/ a pain/ a cold/ a cough
แต่ to have toothache/earache/rheumatism/influenza
9) ใช้กับโครงสร้างต่อไปนี้
such a : quite a: many a : rather a
Many a letter has passed my desk since last year
Mana is quite a good boy
He is rather a bad temper man
It’s such a nice day!

4.2 การใช้ Definite article (the)
ใช้ the นำหน้านามได้ที่ทั้งเป็นนามเอกพจน์ และพหูพจน์ และนามนับได้ หรือนามนับไม่ได้ โดยมีหลักเกณฑ์ดังนี้
1) ใช้ the นำหน้านามซึ่งมีความหมายเฉพาะ โดยดูจาก that clause
This is the book that I bought for you
2) ใช้ the ในความหมายมีสิ่งเดียว
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west
The world : the equator : the universe
3) ชื่อเรือต่างๆ รถไฟ เครื่องบิน
The Queen May : The Comet
4) ชื่อที่เกี่ยวกับอาณาบริเวณภูมิศาสตร์
เราใช้ the กับคำว่า country, sea, seaside และ mountain แม้ว่าเราจะไม่ได้ชี้เฉพาะว่าเป็นทะเลใด หรือภูเขาแห่งไหน
I like to live in the country
I love the mountain, but I hate the sea
5) ชื่อสถานที่ เรามักใช้ the กับชื่อสถานที่ต่อไปนี้
แม่น้ำ the Chaopraya
มหาสมุทร the Pacific
อ่าว the Gulf of Thailand
ทะเลทราย the Sahara
ภูมิภาค the Middle East, the Midwest
โรงแรม the Oriental Hotel
สถาบัน the Midland Bank
โรงละคร the Playhouse
ชื่อร้าน the Central Department Store
ทะเล the Red Sea
หมู่เกาะ the Philippines (เกาะเดียวไม่ใช้ the)
เทือกเขา the Himalayas (ภูเขาเดียวไม่ใช้ the)
โรงภาพยนตร์ the Lido

6. ใช้กับหนังสือต่างๆ เข่น The Thairath, The Bangkok Post
7. ใช้กับชื่อครอบครัว เช่น The Smiths
8. ใช้ the กับสิ่งที่ได้กล่าวถึงมาแล้วครั้งหนึ่ง (ถ้ากล่าวถึงครั้งแรกให้ใช้ a/an
9. ใช้ the นำหน้านามซึ่งขยายด้วยบุพบทวลี เฃ่น the battle of Tungchang, the map of Bangkok
10. ใช้ the กับลำดับที่ในตำแหน่ง เช่น Queen Elizabeth the Second
11. ใช้ the นำหน้า common noun (นามที่ใช้เรียกชื่อทั่วๆ ไป) ที่ตามด้วยชื่อเฉพาะ ซึ่งมาขยาย common noun เช่น the planet Mar. the poet Sunthornpoo
นอกจากนี้ คำนามที่บอกเกี่ยวกับอาชีพ หรือการค้า และอยู่หลังชื่อเฉพาะให้ใช้ the นำหน้า เช่น Tawee, the bankder, Suda, the Personal Manager
12. ใช้ the กับชื่อประเทศที่มีคำว่า Union, United อยู่ หรือขึ้นต้นด้วย Repulbic, Kingdom รวมทั้งชื่อประเทศที่เป็นพหูพจน์ เช่น The United Kingdom, the Netherlands
และในกรณี common noun ซึ่งตามหลังชื่อทางภูมิศาสตร์ได้ถูกละไว้ ให้ใช้ the + ชื่อทางภูมิศาสตร์ นั้น The Sahara (ละ desert)
13 ช้ the กับชื่อของเครื่องดนตรีที่ใช้ในความหมายทั่วๆ ไป เช่น Preeya plays the piano. Kalong plays the ranard
14 ใช้ the นำหน้าคำคุณศัพท์ขั้สุดที่ขยายนาม เช่น This is the oldest person
15 ใฃ้ the หน้าคุณศัพท์ที่ใช้เป็นคำนาม หมายถึงสิ่งนั้นทั้งหมด และเป็นพหูพจน์ เช่น the rich, the poor, the brave
16 ใช้ the ในสำนวนที่เป็นการเปรียบเทียบขั้นกว่า 2 จำนวน
The harder you work, the more you will be paid
The more he gets, the more he wants

4.3 การไม่ใช้ Article
1. นำคำนาม ซึ่งใช้ในความหมายทั่วๆ ไป เช่น Life is very hard for some people
2. หน้าคำนามประเภท material ในความหมายทั่วๆ ไป เช่น Butter is made from cream
3. หน้าคำนามพหูพจน์ในความหมายทั่วๆ ไป เช่น Books are my best friends
4. หน้าคำนามที่เป็นชื่อมื้ออาหารทั่วๆ ไป เช่น Come to dinner/ breakfast/ lunch/ tea
5. หน้าชื่อเฉพาะ I walked in Hyde Park, Do you know the Regent Street?
6. หน้าทะเลสาป (Lake) แหลม (Cape) ภูเขา (mount) ยกเว้นเมื่อคำเหล่านี้มีคำว่า of ตามหลัง เช่น the lake of Lucene, the Cape of good hope
7.หน้าชื่อตำแหน่งตามด้วยชื่อเฉพาะ เช่น King George, Doctor Amnuay
8. ชื่อภาษา และชื่อวิชาต่างๆ เช่น She speaks French
9. ชื่อ วิทยุและโทรทัศน์ในความหมายทั่วๆ ไป
10. ไม่ใช้ article กับ Man หรือ Woman
11 สำนวนต่างๆ ที่ละ article เช่น go to school to stay at home. To be out of doors. The men work by day but not by night. He is indebt/ in trouble. At any break/sunset He did the work for love, not for money
จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
1 articles referring to prefix divided into two kinds of
1.1 "a" or "an" are called indefinite articles
1.2 "the" so-called definite articles

2. Indefinite articles precede nouns, singular only. Notice prefix following the indefinite article
a horse

an elephant
a car

an airplane
.the pacific

the air

will notice from the use of a, an, the, then depends on the pronunciation of words preceded by a, an, or is not, depending on the spelling as

a uniform (do not use. that an uniform) because this word is pronounced as a consonant U
.a one-eyed man (do not use the word an one eyed man), because one word is pronounced with a consonant. The result may be summarized as follows:

1. used before a singular noun beginning with a consonant is pronounced as
a shoe, a european, a car, a useful tool, etc.

2.Use "an" before the noun that follows it. And my name is pronounced as a vowel (Vowel sound is voiced to sound "on" such an accident an hour
an egg, an honour, an orange, an interesting book

3. Rules of articles are 3 reasons
1.Do not use "the" with plural nouns. And uncountable nouns When it comes to things In general, such a church is usually cool
2. Contraindicated with singular countable nouns without articles such as the book, a book, but not the book
3.Use a or an in front of a career or job a person as she is a doctor (for she is doctor) not
4. Utilization articles

4.1 using indefinite articles (a / an)
1) used to mean "one. "or" any "as
he has a brother
2) unit of measurement used to say a, an, meaning = a
.he drove the car at 100 miles an hour
this thai silk costs two hundred baht a yard
3) precedes dozen, hundred, thousand, million, billion
i bought a dozen book
a hundred cows were in the field
4. ) precedes the noun say professional, trade, religion, etc.
she is a doctor
she is an official in the bank
she is a buddhist
.But if the name is indicative of the position. Or office, which requires that the incumbent had only time for one, do not use a / an
the made him prime minister
kanittha was professor of development education
Do not use a / an with nouns that rank (rank or title. )
my friend gained the rank of coronel
5).Using a, an, when it refers to people we know, but just to name
a mr. Johnson telephoned you this morning
(for a show that does not know who he is. But he said that the name mr. Johnson

6) using a,.an on behalf of the hidden name of the page (noun in apposition) when something or someone that is not familiar
sunthhornphoo is thai poet
daotho, a small village in chiangmai

7). Use a / an exclamatory sentence starting with what
what a beaufiful girl she is!
What an ugly man he is!

.But if the sentence is an exclamation starting with what the name is uncountable. Or plural noun not use a / an in front of the
what the uncountable sv
a "what lovely flowers they are!

8) use a / an with the following phrase sampling it's a pity that she can '. t come
he wants to keep this a secret

as a rule: to be in a hurry
to be in a good / bad temper
to tell a lie: all of a sudden
it's a shame to do that: to take an interest in.
to take a pride in: to take a dislike to
to make a fool of oneself: to be in a position to
to have a mind to
to have a chance: to have an opportunity to
at a discount / premium:. on an average
a short time ago

.Also use a / an with grief as
to have a headache / a pain / a cold / a cough
but to have toothache / earache / rheumatism / influenza
9) with the following structure
such a: quite. a: many a: rather a
many a letter has passed my desk since last year
mana is quite a good boy
he is rather a bad temper man
it's such a nice day!

4.2 Using the definite article (the)
are the leading name in both the singular and plural nouns and noun countable or uncountable nouns. The criteria are as follows:
1) with the name prefix which means only by that clause
this is the book that i bought for you
.2) Use the definition is the same thing
the sun rises in the east and sets in the west
the world: the equator: the universe
3) Name boat, train, plane
the queen may: the comet
4) name. Geography
we ranged about the use of the word country, sea,.seaside and mountain even if we do not identify as any sea. Or mountains, where
i like to live in the country
i love the mountain, but i hate the sea
5) place names, we often use the name the following
the river the chaopraya
oceans the pacific
bay. the gulf of thailand
Desert the sahara
regions the middle east, the midwest
of the oriental hotel
Institute of the midland bank
theater, the playhouse
name of the central department store
sea, the red sea
islands of the philippines (not a single island. the)
mountains of the himalayas (the only mountain not the)
.Theater, the lido

6. Using various books, such as the thairath, the bangkok post
7. Use the family name as the smiths
8. Use the things that were mentioned once. (I first mentioned the use of a / an
9.Using the name by which he extended with prepositional prefix Eฃe in the battle of tungchang, the map of bangkok
10. Use the sequence to a position as queen elizabeth the second
11.Using the preceding common noun (common name used to refer to the name) followed by a unique name, such as common noun, which expanded the planet mar. The poet sunthornpoo
addition. Nouns that tell about the profession or trade, and is named after the lead only to be used as tawee, the bankder,.suda, the personal manager
12. using the country's name with the word union, united, or begin with repulbic, kingdom, including the country name in the plural, as the united kingdom, the netherlands
.And in case common noun that follows the geographical name has been omitted to use the geographical name is the sahara (the desert)
13 min the names of the instruments used in a typical example preeya plays the piano. Kalong. plays the ranard
14 Using the adjectives precede nouns, such as extending the margin this is the oldest person
15 ใฃg the front adjective used as a noun. What it all means And the plural, as the rich, the poor, the brave
16 using the expressions in the comparison process more than 2
.the harder you work, the more you will be paid
the more he gets, the more he wants

4.3 to not use article
1. adopted the name by which it refers in general to such a life is very hard for some people
. . 2 nouns meaning basic material types such as butter is made from cream
3.Page nouns plural in meaning common to such books are my best friends
4. Pages nouns are the names of meals typical example come to dinner / breakfast / lunch / tea
5. Pages only i walked in hyde park,. do you know the regent street?
6.Page loch (lake) cape (cape) mount (mount) except when these words are the words of the latter, as the lake of lucene, the cape of good hope
7. Pages titles with names such as king george,. doctor amnuay
8. names of subjects such as language and she speaks french
9.Name of radio and television in the sense basic
10. Did not use the article with the man or woman
11 expressions per article, like go to school to stay at home. To be out of doors. The men work by day but not by night. . he is indebt / in trouble. at any break / sunset he did the work for love, not for money.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
1 Articles means article is divided into two types:
a "1.1" or "an" Indefinite Articles called the "1.2"
called Indefinite Articles Definite Articles

. singular prefix only. Note that prefix is the indefinite article here

a horse a car an airplane an elephant


The Pacific air will notice the use of a, an, the, depending on the pronunciation of the word, followed by an a, or it does not depend on the spelling. :

A uniform (do not use the term an uniform) because the words read aloud by yan beat is u
.A one-eyed man (do not use the term an one eyed man) because the word pronunciation of consonants with one.

may be summarized as follows: 1. a. Use the singular noun prefix pronounced consonants. As a European, this shoe a
, a car, a useful tool, etc

2. Use "an" article that follows, and the pronounced vowel sounds (vowels are the sounds that are emitted as an "accident" on such an hour, an egg, an honour
an orange, an interesting book

3. rules of Articles 3:
1. Do not use "the", with plural nouns and count nouns. When it comes to things in General, such as A church is usually cool
2. do not use singular nouns with such articles, such as, without the book, a book, but not the book
3. Use a or an occupation or job title, for example, a doctor who She is (she is doctor).
4. Using indefinite articles 4.1 to use

articles (a/an)
1) was used in the meaning "one", or "any", for example, He has a brother

2) Used to indicate a unit of measure, an interpretation =:
.He drove the car at 100 miles an hour
This Thai silk two hundred baht costs a yard
3) dozen hundred thousand,, leading, I bought a million billion, a dozen book

A hundred cows were in the field
4) use the prefix name telling career, trade, religion etc.

She is She a doctor is an official in the bank is a Buddhist She

.But if the indicated position or Office which is assigned a position with only one person at a time without a/The Prime Minister an made him

Professor of Education was Kanittha Development do not have to use a/an with nouns that indicate rank (rank or title) gained the rank of My friend
5). Use a, an, when is referring to people we know, but just the name
this morning you telephoned Mr. Johnson (a show that doesn't know who he is, but he said that Mr. Johnson's name

6) use a, With an extension that hides the Extensions page (noun in apposition) when something or someone that is not familiar

Sunthhornphoo Daotho, a Thai poet is small village in Chiangmai

7). Use a/an with a sentence that begins with an exclamation or interjection a beaufiful girl What is she What
What an ugly man he is!

.But if that what sentences beginning with an exclamation or interjection is followed by a noun or plural count nouns is not using a/an article name is not What count S
, for example "What lovely flowers they are!

8) use a/an with the following phrases
It a pity, for example, that she can't come
.He wants to keep this a secret

as a rule: to be in a hurry
to be in a good/bad temper
to tell a lie: all of a sudden
It's a shame to do that : to take an interest in
to take a pride in: to take a dislike to
to make a fool of oneself : to be in a position to
to have a mind to
to have a chance : to have an opportunity to
at a discount/premium : on an average
a short time ago

It is also used with an/a fall, for example, have a headache To a
/pain/cold/cough a to have a toothache earache, but/
/rheumatism 9 influenza) is used with the following structure: a such a quite powerful: many Many a letter a a rather
: has passed my desk since last year is a good Mana quite boy

He is rather a bad temper man It such a nice day

4.2 using a Definite article (the)
use the prefix name has both singular and plural nouns and is counted or not counted by the extension principle is as follows:
1). Use the prefix noun which means only that This clause based on the book is I
bought that for you
.2 in the meaning) are the only things the sun rises in The east
and sets in the west: The equator the world
: the universe
3). Name of the ship, aircraft, train, The Comet May The Queen

: 4) The name of the geographic area associated with the term we use for
country, sea, Seaside and mountain, even though we don't have a specific point that is what sea or mountain retreat to like in the live
I love the mountain country, but I hate the sea
5) The place names are often used with our name places the following

the Chaopraya River, the Pacific Ocean, the Gulf of Thailand Gulf

.The Sahara desert regions of the Middle East the

the Midwest Institute of Oriental Hotel, hotels the Midland Bank

the Playhouse Theatre, the Central Department store name Store

the Red Sea archipelago Sea. The Philippines (one island, do not use the)
the Himalayas mountains (mountains, only without the)
.The Lido cinema

6. various books with The Bangkok Post, for example, The Thairath
7 as The family name use Smiths
8. using the with what has been said, once (if mentioned for the first time, use a/an
9. Use the prefix name, extended with bupbot phrases. The battle of Tungchang khen, the map of Bangkok with the use 10
order in place, such as Queen Elizabeth the Second
11. Use the prefix common noun (common name used) followed by a unique name, which comes from the common noun, such as expanding planet Mar. the poet Sunthornpoo
Moreover, nouns that tells about the profession or trade, and after the prefix, local name, such as Tawee, the bankder, Suda, the Personal Manager
12. using the with the name of the country that have the word Union, United Kingdom, or with the name of the country, including the Repulbic as plurals, such as The United Kingdom, the Netherlands
.And in the case of common noun which follows geographic names have been omitted to use the geographical name it The Sahara (the desert)
13 ช้ the name of the musical instruments used in the common meaning, such as the piano plays Preeya. Kalong plays the ranard
.14 using the prefix a term as you expand the ขั้สุดที่ This is the oldest person khai 15 page
adjectival form used as a noun refers to the whole thing, and it is the poor, the rich plural, the brave, the rhetoric used in the 16
compare over 2 step number
.The harder you work, the more you will be paid, The more the he
gets more he wants

1 does not apply to Article 4.3. noun, which is used in the meaning of Life in General, is very hard for some people
2. noun category material in general meaning, such as Butter is made from cream
3. In front of the noun plurals in common meaning, such as Books are my best friends
4. noun is a name common meals such as breakfast/lunch/dinner to Come/tea 5 unique name I page.
walked in Hyde Park, Do you know the Regent Street?
6. In front of the Lake (Lake), Cape (Cape), the mountains (mount), except when these words were the words of the lake as well as of the end of the Cape of good hope, Lucene
7. page title followed by a unique name, such as King George, 8 Doctor of language and name.
Amnuay title such as She speaks French
9. The name radio and television in general meaning
10. Do not use the article with a Man or a Woman, the rhetoric of article 11
, for example, to go to school stay at home To be out of doors.. The work day by men but not by night. "He is in trouble At any indebt/break/sunset. He did the work for love, not for money.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
1 Articles means prefix name is divided into 2 categories: 1.1
"a" or "an" is called "the" Indefinite Articles
1.2 called Definite Articles

2. Indefinite Articles Name Prefix the singular number only, note that prefix name is indefinite article following a horse

an elephant a car

an airplanethe Pacific

the air will be noticed from the Use a, an, the, will depend on the sound of the words that followed a, an or is not that is dependent on the Spelling as follows:

a uniform (Do not use a word that an uniform), because the word is read out by a consonant sound is U
.A one-eyed man (Do not use a word that an one eyed man), because the word that one out with a consonant, it may be summarized as follows:

1. Use a name prefix the singular number the first voice with a consonant:
a shoe, a European, a car, a useful tool, etc.

2.Use "an" before my name, followed by the name and the sound is a vowel sound (sound uttered a sound pool is a sound "on" such as an accident an hour
an egg, an honour, an orange, an interesting book

3. Rules of Articles has 3 reasons:
1.Do not use "NAME" with the name of plural and not when you say things such as General A church is usually cool
2. Do not use the name of the singular number, there is no articles such as the book, but it's not a book book
3.Use a prefix or an occupation or job is a person such as She doctor (she is doctor) is not
4. The use of indefinite articles

4.1 articles (A/an)
1) used in the sense "One" or "any" such as
He has a brother) used to tell me, a unit of measure, meaning there is an = a
.He drove the car at 100 miles an hour
This Thai silk costs two hundred baht a yard
3) use prefix dozen, hundred, thousand, million, billion
I bought a dozen hundred A book

4 cows were in the field) is used as a prefix to their career, trade, religion, etc. , is a doctor

She She is an official in the bank is a Buddhist She

But, if the name of the position or office to extricate that is assigned the position is just one at a time do not need to use the A/an
The made him Prime Minister
Kanittha Professor was of Development Education
do not need to use a/an noun to tell the rank (rank or title)
My friend gained the rank of Coronel
5).Use a, an when it is referred to as a person, but we know only name
A Mr. Johnson you telephoned this morning
(a show that doesn't know that he was a man, but he told me that the name Mr. Johnson

6) use a,An on behalf of the hidden Name page (noun in apposition) when it is a man, or what is not familiar

Daotho Sunthhornphoo is Thai poet, a small village in Chiangmai

7) .USE A/an exclamation mark on a sentence that begins with a beaufiful What
What girl she is!
What he is an ugly man!

But if a sentence begins with an exclamation mark followed by the name of what is or is not to be used as a plural/an prefix name
What behalf of not S V What
sample "they are lovely flowers!

8) use a/an example phrase following
It' s a pity that she can' T come
He wants to keep this a secret

as a rule: to be in a hurry to be
in a good/bad temper
to tell a lie: all of a sudden
It' s a shame to do that: to take an interest in a
to take pride in: To take a dislike to
to make a fool of oneself: to be in a position to have a mind to

to have a chance to: to have an opportunity to
at a discount/premium: on an average a short time ago

They also use a/an with sickness, such as
To have a headache/pain A/a cold/cough
but to have a toothache/earache/rheumatism/influenza
9), use the following structure
such a: quite a: many a: rather a
Many a letter has passed my desk since last year
Mana is quite a good boy
He is a rather bad temper man
It' s such a nice day!

4.The use Definite article 2 (the)
use the prefix name. The name is both plural and the singular number and name from name or not, since the rules are as follows:
1) use the name prefix meaning which is only by the clause that
This I is the book that you bought for
2) Use the in the sense there is only one thing
The sun rises in the east and sets in the West
The world: the equator: the universe
3) the name of the boat train plane
The Queen May: The Comet
4) the name of the geographic authority
the word that we use the country, sea,seaside and mountain although we will not have any specific point that is a sea or mountains where
I like to live in the country
I love the mountain, but hate the sea I
5) Place Name We often use the following sites to name the river Chaopraya

Pacific the ocean bay of the Gulf Thailand
The desert region the Sahara
Middle East, the hotel the Oriental Hotel Midwest

the institute Midland Bank Playhouse

the theater restaurant the name Central Department Store Red Sea

the sea Islands the Philippines (not to use the same Island)
the Himalayas Mountain (Mountain is not only used the)
The cinema Lido

6. Use the book to forge (various The Thairath, The Bangkok Post
7. Use the family name such as The Smiths
8. To use the things that have been said to have been once (if, for the first time Use a/an
9.Using the name, preceded by a Phrase found it เฃ่น Tungchang of the battle, the map of Bangkok
10.Use the position in the order in which such as the Queen Second Elizabeth
11.Use the common noun prefix (the name used to designate general) in accordance with the specific name with which to expand common noun such as the planet Mar.
the poet Sunthornpoo nouns also told me about their career or trade name and is only available after the prefix such as Tawee, the bankder,Suda, the Personal Manager
12.Use with the country name with the word Union, United, or begin with Repulbic, Kingdom including country name is plural The United Kingdom such as, the Netherlands
and, in the case where a common noun behind the geographical name is, to use the name that the geographical The Sahara (Desert)
13, the name of the musical instruments used in general, meaning Preeya plays the piano.Kalong plays the ranard
14 using the prefix Khun clasping the top name extension such as This is the oldest person
page 15 ใฃ้ Khun the use as a noun means something that is plural and all such as the rich, the poor, the brave
16 using the words in a comparison of advanced more than 2
The harder you work, the more you will be paid more The
he gets, the more he wants to do not use Article

4.3 1. noun meaning which is used in general such as Life is very hard for some people
2. noun type material in the sense general Butter is made from cream such as
3.The noun plural in meaning such as General Books are my best friends
4. noun a name such as meals, general Come to dinner/breakfast/lunch/tea
5. The specific name I Hyde Park walked in, you know the Regent Do Street?
6.The Lake (Lake), sharp (Cape) Mountain (mount), except when these words are the words of him that such as the Lake of Lucene, the good hope of Cape
7. The name of the location of a specific name such as King George, Doctor Amnuay
8. language names and name various subjects such as She speaks French
9.The radio and television in general meaning
10. Do not use the article 11
Woman Man or idioms. Article such as go to school to stay at home. To be out of doors. The men work by day but not by night. He is indebt/in trouble. At any break/sunset He did the work for love, not for money
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
การสนับสนุนเครื่องมือแปลภาษา: กรีก, กันนาดา, กาลิเชียน, คลิงออน, คอร์สิกา, คาซัค, คาตาลัน, คินยารวันดา, คีร์กิซ, คุชราต, จอร์เจีย, จีน, จีนดั้งเดิม, ชวา, ชิเชวา, ซามัว, ซีบัวโน, ซุนดา, ซูลู, ญี่ปุ่น, ดัตช์, ตรวจหาภาษา, ตุรกี, ทมิฬ, ทาจิก, ทาทาร์, นอร์เวย์, บอสเนีย, บัลแกเรีย, บาสก์, ปัญจาป, ฝรั่งเศส, พาชตู, ฟริเชียน, ฟินแลนด์, ฟิลิปปินส์, ภาษาอินโดนีเซี, มองโกเลีย, มัลทีส, มาซีโดเนีย, มาราฐี, มาลากาซี, มาลายาลัม, มาเลย์, ม้ง, ยิดดิช, ยูเครน, รัสเซีย, ละติน, ลักเซมเบิร์ก, ลัตเวีย, ลาว, ลิทัวเนีย, สวาฮิลี, สวีเดน, สิงหล, สินธี, สเปน, สโลวัก, สโลวีเนีย, อังกฤษ, อัมฮาริก, อาร์เซอร์ไบจัน, อาร์เมเนีย, อาหรับ, อิกโบ, อิตาลี, อุยกูร์, อุสเบกิสถาน, อูรดู, ฮังการี, ฮัวซา, ฮาวาย, ฮินดี, ฮีบรู, เกลิกสกอต, เกาหลี, เขมร, เคิร์ด, เช็ก, เซอร์เบียน, เซโซโท, เดนมาร์ก, เตลูกู, เติร์กเมน, เนปาล, เบงกอล, เบลารุส, เปอร์เซีย, เมารี, เมียนมา (พม่า), เยอรมัน, เวลส์, เวียดนาม, เอสเปอแรนโต, เอสโทเนีย, เฮติครีโอล, แอฟริกา, แอลเบเนีย, โคซา, โครเอเชีย, โชนา, โซมาลี, โปรตุเกส, โปแลนด์, โยรูบา, โรมาเนีย, โอเดีย (โอริยา), ไทย, ไอซ์แลนด์, ไอร์แลนด์, การแปลภาษา.

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