and designed to be the largest amusement park in Asia (to have covered การแปล - and designed to be the largest amusement park in Asia (to have covered อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

and designed to be the largest amus

and designed to be the largest amusement park in Asia (to have covered 120 acres (49 ha)), construction stopped in 1998 following financial problems with local officials, while a 2008 attempt to start construction again also failed.[2] The site, which featured a number of abandoned structures, including the frame work of a castle-like building and medieval-themed outer buildings, was being reclaimed by local farmers to grow their various crops while the site was abandoned. People have reported that sometimes when visiting the site, there would still be parking attendants in the site's parking lot, presumably to tend to onlookers and curious sightseers that came to visit.[3]
The abandonment of such a massive construction project has raised concerns about the existence of a property bubble in China.[4][5]
The incomplete and abandoned structures were razed in May 2013, leaving no hope for the abandoned park to ever be finished. While there is no official indication of what will be done with the grounds of where the park once stood, An Feng, Reignwood Group's chief inspector for the company's investment supervision department, has stated a "comprehensive luxury product supermarket" would be built on the site, but that the project was still going through "planning permission formalities
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เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
and designed to be the largest amusement park in Asia (to have covered 120 acres (49 ha)), construction stopped in 1998 following financial problems with local officials, while a 2008 attempt to start construction again also failed.[2] The site, which featured a number of abandoned structures, including the frame work of a castle-like building and medieval-themed outer buildings, was being reclaimed by local farmers to grow their various crops while the site was abandoned. People have reported that sometimes when visiting the site, there would still be parking attendants in the site's parking lot, presumably to tend to onlookers and curious sightseers that came to visit.[3]
The abandonment of such a massive construction project has raised concerns about the existence of a property bubble in China.[4][5]
The incomplete and abandoned structures were razed in May 2013, leaving no hope for the abandoned park to ever be finished. While there is no official indication of what will be done with the grounds of where the park once stood, An Feng, Reignwood Group's chief inspector for the company's investment supervision department, has stated a "comprehensive luxury product supermarket" would be built on the site, but that the project was still going through "planning permission formalities
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
and designed to be the largest amusement park in Asia (to have covered 120 acres (49 ha)), construction stopped in 1998 following financial problems with local officials, while a 2008 attempt to start construction again also failed. [2] The site,. which featured a number of abandoned structures, including the frame work of a castle-like building and medieval-themed outer buildings, was being reclaimed by local farmers to grow their various crops while the site was abandoned. People have Reported that sometimes when visiting The site, there would still be parking attendants in The site's parking Lot, presumably to Tend to onlookers and Curious sightseers that Came to Visit. [3].
The abandonment of Such A Massive Construction Project has raised concerns About. The existence of A Property Bubble in China. [4] [5].
The incomplete and abandoned Structures razed in May were 2,013, leaving no Hope for The Park to ever be abandoned Finished. While there is no official indication of what will be done with the grounds of where the park once stood, An Feng, Reignwood Group's chief inspector for the company's investment supervision department, has stated a "comprehensive luxury product supermarket" would be built on the site. , but that the project was still going through "planning permission formalities.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
And designed to be the largest amusement park in Asia (to have covered 120 acres (49 HA)), construction stopped in 1998 following Financial problems with local officials while a, 2008 attempt to start construction again also failed. [] The, 2 site which Featured a number of abandoned structures including the, frame work of a castle-like building and medieval-themed outer BuildingsWas being reclaimed by local farmers to grow their various crops while the site was abandoned. People have reported that Sometimes when visiting, the site there would still be parking attendants in the site 's parking lot presumably to, tend To onlookers and curious sightseers that came to visit. [3]
The abandonment of such a massive construction project has raised concerns about the existence of a property bubble in China. [] []
4 5 The incomplete and abandoned structures were razed in May 2013 leaving no, hope for the abandoned park to ever Be finished. While there is no official indication of what will be done with the grounds of where the park, once stood An FengReignwood Group 's chief inspector for the company' s investment supervision department has stated, a comprehensive luxury. " Product supermarket "would be built on, the site but that the project was still going through planning permission formalities."
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ภาษาอื่น ๆ
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