This type of sushi is expensive, but the price it receives from customers, rather than. Best sushi restaurants in Japan, it is like that, but Thailand, we will be able to review the front seat belts and just in the Mall or counter by pharmacies in the city only. Which are difficult to find. The majority in Thailand Japan restaurant with a menu, not the sushi restaurant, sushi is another thing that I saw, the difference is that the front of the sushi in Japan will use the fresh seafood. Vegetables, eggs, mushrooms, seafood, raw meat is brought to use and have a wide range. Most of the fish, such as fish, aji. Fish, unagi Ayu fish. In Thailand the face of sushi to be adapted to people of Thailand and more like California roll, chicken, pork and fish can see that Thailand is not used like fresh sea food and rice to Japan as Japan, but Thailand rice use rice mixed with sticky rice is also similar to the rice.Of Japan, but there are cheaper, but what I see it different than most, it is a matter of eating sushi. In Thailand, if we wanted to eat the pieces which we will choose, but how to eat correctly. Need to eat sushi from the sushi dishes, white with a dark finish makes the sushi tastes. If you enjoyed the taste intensity before will not be able to know their flavor, fish with white flesh. In Japan to eat sushi with wasabi, and Cho yun. Fix greasy with pickled ginger Best people in Thailand will add mayonnaise to.
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