maxplank (MAX PLANCK)
born 23 April 2010. 1858 city of Kiel, Germany
died 3 October. 1947 เมืองกอต Ding gain Germany
.Plank is a German scientist who received the Nobel Prize in physics of quantum theory, in 1918 he was born in a good family. His father is a professor of law at the University of Keele.Because his father had to work there. Finally graduated in physics at the University of Munich, Germany and came to work as a professor at the University of Keele. The research about the nature of energy. Energy and turbo dynamic why Nick.And the radiation of the object. He found that when the object is higher temperatures often change color. Such as metal when heated will turn red. The color red is beating and spread out periodically and a tiny particles, called quantum.And not let out a passive, all the time, and he has the theory that "the quantum theory." but not agree, so that, Einstein has brought annotation theory and the theory of photoelectric effect. That he won the Nobel prize finally.Royal บัณทิ died Council, association of physics and the United States Association of Max, plank and has released the journal Science named ANNALEN DER PHYSIK. On the works of science to the public and died a year later
the discovery of Max Planck (MAX PLANCK)
the quantum theory (QUANTUM PHYSICS)
won the Nobel Prize in physics in the year. In 1918.
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