I want to be a chef because I like to eat delicious food. My favourite dishes such as sushi steak ramen fried chicken I wanted to learn how to Cook. The time I ate food I'm going to be happy, so I like to Cook, delicious. I want someone to eat the food I made and I want others to be happy eating my time, and I would like to have your own restaurant.
I want to be a chef because I like to eat delicious food. My favorite food such as sushi, steak, fried chicken ramen, so I want to learn how to cook. Every time I eat delicious food, I'll be happy so I want to make a delicious meal. I want other people to eat food that I do and want others to have time to eat my food and I wanted to have my own restaurant.
I want to be a chef because I like to eat delicious food that I like, such as sushi, ramen, steak, fried chicken, so I want to learn how to cook. The time I get to eat delicious, I'd be happy I want to cook delicious.