In early Rattanakosin era War, many residents had to be fought, "the elder" criteria. Gotta leave his pregnant wife is found at the House to participate in a battle between the wars a lot did find and rescue a fellow soldier who is the Center's four criteria and taro Ueno, until finally all five, they become close friends. When the war ended, so the four visited his home at Phra khanong. When Phra khanong much suggests that White Center and El about "beautiful girls," Mrs. Naak, his wife and a "red". The first son's birth. Taro and El Center The decision is based on the stage at the Phra khanong tattoo old house across from home. While it is rumored among locals that the ears, thick Otter as the ghost dies, all round!! By originate from the drug store owner cleared Visual grandmother Dong spinning all four do not believe trying to prove by means of various Visual, except those released later, the grandmother of birth rumors fly either drown uet awesome. Making taro and El pakchai Center believe a ghost, though Otter. Four more straight, because it is not willing to tell the fear must be ended the same way, but when you think of Grandma Visual raised his largest-ever rescue. They must admit the decision "because it is a ghost tale."
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