Definitions (DEFINITIONS) 5.1 the counterattack (RALLY) means the length of time that the ball is in play. 5.2 the ball is in play (INPLAY) means that when the ball was still on the table tennis free of the hand before sending the ball in the last strokes, until it was ordered to a hotel or a score. 5.3 delivery (LET) means that no effective counterattack score. 5.4. the score (POINT) means an effective counterattack score. 5.5 the stick (RACKET HAND) refers to a hand while holding a wooden table tennis. 5.6 free tool (FREE HAND) refers to the hands while not holding a wooden table tennis. 5.7 hit the ball (STRIKES) means that a player touching the ball with a wooden table tennis while holding hand-ball or touch stick table tennis from the wrist down to. 5.8 the spacious ball (OBSTRUCTS) means that when the ball is in play. After an opponent hit the ball coming It has not been affected by the border of one of the parties. Grab the extraction path becomes the players or any thing he is wearing, or your child is exposed to be. When the ball is above the level surface of the table or the direction of the ball, running, road I find the surface table. 5.9 the sender (SERVER) means the person who hit the ball first time in table tennis to counterattack. 5.10 recipients (RECEIV) means the person who hit the ball a second time in table tennis to counterattack. 5.11 organisers (UMPIRE), refers to a person who has been appointed to control the race. 5.12 an Assistant judge (ASSISTANT UMPIRE) means a person who is appointed to assist organisers in the race. 5.13 what any player to wear or hold any thing means that the player is wearing or a counterattack from the start. Table tennis balls to 5.14 is considered through the mesh. If a cross-over or OM or Lod mesh component, with the exception of the Lod between mesh ball with the surface table or balls that will mesh with the mesh during. Extraction of linear 5.15 (END LINE) to assume that the drag from the extract path continued on both sides. To send the ball (A GOOD SERVICE). 6.1 when sent. Table tennis balls must be placed freely on the Palm of the hand by the brands and independent child to be still. 6.2 in order to send the sender will have to throw the ball up with the hands float up above as close to perpendicular, and the high point on the ball out of the hand of at least 16 centimeters by the up to toss the ball, it must not be a child that is rotated with the intention. 6.3 sender will hit the ball while the ball, table tennis has been downgraded from the highest point, so that the ball of the sender, then the cross-border impact of indirect or mesh to the receiving partner categories. Table tennis balls to the right border of the tongkrathop half and half cross or indirect impact to the land of the mesh, the receiving. From the start, sending the ball until 6.4 ra even hit balls. The ball is over the hotel bill tennis level the surface of the table and under extraction, and must not, be a part of the body or clothing of the sender or the pair played in a pair of obscure the visibility of the recipient. When the ball is thrown up, hands free table tennis of the sender will have to move out of the area between the trunk and the mesh. (NET) (purpose of this Covenant requires that recipients see table tennis balls all the time. This is the sender or the sender's partners will not show a need to block the visibility of the recipient at any time since the ball out of the hands of the sender and the crossbow used to hit the ball). 6.5 is the responsibility of the players to be sent to the organisers or Assistant judge and verify that the handover by the rules or not. 6.5.1 if the decision in question in such a way that the sender has sent sent the ball is different according to the rules in the same match, it will pass, and a new warning by the sender, do not cut the score. 6.5.2 for next time, in the same match. If a player or pair of play continues to be in doubt in the same way, or in any other manner suspicious people to score immediately. 6.5.3 If the sender sends the ball clearly violate The sender will immediately lose points. 6.6 the sender may receive a bow? If the sender informing the organisers through the vast physical capability until the cause can not be sent correctly in accordance with the rules for informing the organisers know before every race. To get the ball (A GOOD RETURN). 7.1 when their table tennis has been submitted or to agree on a counterattack across the border. Department hit the ball across the back so that the mesh or the indirect impact of one child directly or touch any part of the mesh and then OK in the opponent's territory. Play order (THE ORDER OF PLAY). 8.1 the single category. Officer has been sent correctly. The counterattack goes back to party properly, then the receiving party, and to counterattack to shed. 8.2 category pair. Sender party will pass the ball to the receiving. The recipient of the Department must hit the ball back and then a couple of parties would hit the ball back and then a couple of parties, to hit the ball back to this switch to counterattack.
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