Tathu of meaning (Explanation Purposes)1. to create a system to have a more clever (and Make the system more intelligible)2. to disclose what an error it within the rules and knowledge base. Debug a Java.(Uncover shortcomings of the rules and knowledge base (debugging))3. to describe the situation where user expectations (Explain unanticipated situations)4. to create satisfaction and confidence to users both to the psychological and social (Satisfy.users' psychological and/or social needs)5. to counter the assumption that there are clear to users and authors (Clarify the assumptions.underlying the system's operations)6. to analyze the sensitivity of data to test and predict the impact of change.System (Conduct sensitivity analyses)Trace techniques rule (Rule Tracing Technique) The meaning of the rule base (Rule-Base) often involves Tracing rules to increase.The ability to solve the problem, close is greater, which in fact are true.And rules that are stored in the database, there will be many were probably affects the meaning of which is not reasonable. Therefore, theDescribed in the expert system Prepare to explain why (why questions of "Why" Provides a.Chain of Reasoning) to describe a well in a large expert system (Good Explanation.Facility is critical in large ES) because they understand the system or not depends on the meaning of the.(Depends on Understanding explanation), it can be considered a description of what khan can be in the system.Specialists (Explanation is essential in ES) because most of the time we use expert system na to.Training (Used for training)2 basic reasons of meaning (Two Basic Explanations) Although the meaning is difficult and complex, and to provide an efficient workout is a must.Prepare price description for problems of that there is no doubt that begin with Why and How questions and prices.This is the kind of question 2 prices-questions that need answering, such people reason description.-Why a requested Explanations is fact-Why? (TA Mai to fact requests)-How Explanations - To determine how a certain conclusion or recommendation was reached.(How do you make sure that the conclusion was that farming prices or accomplished.)
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