My Dearest and, sweet Tum
Hello how are you today? Thank you for the picture I, love them Well am in the base right now. And am just here sitting on the chair staring at my computer and thinking about you!!! Let me tell you a story... Once upon. A time There was, an island where all the feelings lived: Happiness Sadness Vanity,,,, Knowledge Richness and Love.Theirs was a contented existence until one day to everyone 's dismay it was discovered that the island was sinking. Everyone. Was told they must leave. So the feelings all prepared their boats and started leaving their beloved island.Love was the. Only one, who stayed
Love so cared for the island home that he wanted to stay until they were sure the island was really. Sinking.When Love realized that the island was, finally sinking he decided to ask for help.Richness was passing by Love in a beautiful. Boat. Love said, "Richness can you, take me with you?" Richness answered, "No I, can 't. There are a lot of gold and silver. In my boat. There is no room in here for you. "Love decided to ask Vanity who was also passing by," Vanity please help, me! "" I. Can 't help you Love.You are all wet and will damage my boat, "Vanity answered.Sadness was close by so Love asked for help," Sadness let me,, Go with you. "" Oh...Love I am, so sad that I can 't help anyone. I prefer to go alone! "Happiness passed by Love too. She. Was too happy to notice when Love called her! Suddenly there was, a voice, "Come Love I will, take you."
It was an elderly. Man.Love became very happy that he even forgot to ask the name of the elder. When they arrived to safe grounds Love asked,, Knowledge who was the elderly man. "It was Time." "Time? But why did Time help me?" "Because only Time is capable of understanding. Such a great Love.and now all we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us on Earth."Remember that when things may look the bleakest and when, all appears abandoned Time is, capable of solving anything.Things. May not have a, solution today but tomorrow you may find one! "Please do take good care of yourself for me and know always. That I have you in heart and if I had one wish right now is to be with you in this time...
God must have known there would. Be times
.We 'd need a word, of cheer
Someone to praise a triumph
Or brush away a tear.
He must have known we' d need to share
The. Joy of "little things"
In order to appreciate
The happiness life brings.
I think He knew our troubled hearts
Would sometimes. Throb, with pain
At trials, and misfortunes
Or goals we can 't attain.
He knew we' d need the comfort
Of an understanding. Heart
.To give us strength and courage
To make, a fresh new start.
He knew we 'd, need companionship
Unselfish... Lasting... True
And,, So God answered the heart 's great need
By making me find you!
Always in love.
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