ตานากับตาอิน, บ้านแกอยู่ริมทะเล; แกเป็นเพื่อนกัน, แกเคยไปหาปลาตามชายทะ การแปล - ตานากับตาอิน, บ้านแกอยู่ริมทะเล; แกเป็นเพื่อนกัน, แกเคยไปหาปลาตามชายทะ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

ตานากับตาอิน, บ้านแกอยู่ริมทะเล; แก

ตานากับตาอิน, บ้านแกอยู่ริมทะเล; แกเป็นเพื่อนกัน, แกเคยไปหาปลาตามชายทะเลด้วยกันเสมอ แต่หาปลาได้น้อยไม่พอกิน, ถ้าวันไรใครหาได้มาก คนนั้นก็ได้กินอิ่ม, ถ้าได้น้อยก็กินไม่อิ่ม.
อยู่มาวันหนึ่งเมื่อถึงเวลาจะไปหาปลา, ตานาจึงพูดกับตาอินว่า "เพื่อนเอ๋ยเพื่อน, ธรรมเนียมที่เคยนั้นเราเลีกเสียเถีด; เรามาสัญญากันเสียใหม่จะดีกว่า, คือถึงเวลาจะไปหาปลาเมื่อไรก็ให้กะแยกทางกันเสีย, ว่าใครชอบจะไปทางเหนือทางใต้ หรือทางน้ำลึกน้ำตื้นอย่างไรก็ตามใจ, แล้วแต่จะตกลงกันเมื่อเวลาที่จะไป, ถ้าได้ปลามาแล้วก็มาแบ่งปันกัน." ตาอินก็เห็นชอบด้วยจึงว่า "ดีแล้วที่แกว่านี้เป็นอย่างชอบใจเราที่สุด."
เมื่อตานากับตาอินพูดกันตกลงแล้ว, ตาอินชอบไปหาทางน้ำตื้นแกก็ไปหาตามชายหาดทรายแลในคลอง. ตานาแกก็ไปเที่ยวหาที่ทะเลน้ำลึกๆ; หาไปๆ แกก็เอาสวิงช้อนได้ปลาฉลามใหญ่ตัวหนึ่งแล้วแกก็พามาบ้าน.ฝ่ายตาอินไปหาวันยังค่ำไม่ได้ปลาเลยสักตัวเดียว, พอเวลาเย็นก็กลับมาบ้าน.

ตานานั่งคอยอยู่พอเห็นตาอินกลับมามือเปล่า; จึงแกล้งถามว่า "เพื่อนได้ปลากี่ตัว?" ตาอินจึงว่า "เราไปวันนี้ไม่ได้ปลาเลย;" ตานาหัวเราะแล้วจึงว่า "แกเต็มทีนัก, ไปทั้งวันจะเอาปลาสักตัวเดียวก็ไม่ได้, เราไปครู่เดียวได้ปลาฉลามมาตัวหนึ่งใหญ่สะนัด. ปลาตัวนี้เราจะให้แกครึ่งหนึ่ง; แต่เราจะเอาข้างหัว, แกต้องเอาข้างหาง.

พอตานาว่าเท่านั้น ตาอินก็โกรธจึงว่า "เราจะเอาข้างหัว แกจะเอาข้างหางบ้างเป็นไร?" ตานาจึงว่า "เราเป็นผู้หามาได้ เราจึงจะเอาข้างหัว, แกหาไม่ได้ เราจะให้ข้างหาง, ว่าอย่างนี้จะถูกหรือผิด?" ตาอินจึงว่า "แกว่าอย่างนั้นก็จริงอยู่, แต่เดีมทำไมแกจึงไม่พูดอย่างนี้, เป็นแต่สัญญากันว่าหามาได้แล้วก็กินด้วยกันเท่านั้น, ทีเมื่อได้ปลามาแล้วจะมาว่าคนนั้นได้ข้างหัว, คนนี้ได้ข้างหาง อย่างนั้นอย่างนี้ ไม่ยอม" ตานากับตาอินโต้เถียงกันไปมาก็ไม่ตกลงกัน.

ฝ่ายตาอยู่แขนคอกไปซื้อกระดาดมาจะปิดว่าวขาย; แกเดีนมาทางนั้น. ตานากับตาอินกำลังเถียงกันวุ่นวาย, พอเห็นตาอยู่ถือกระดาดเดีนมา; นึกว่าเป็นตระลาการก็ดีใจ, เชีญตาอยู่ขึ้นมาบนเรือนแล้ว, ก็บอกเรื่องที่โต้เถียงกันนั้นให้ตาอยู่ช่วยตัดสิน ตาอยู่ก็ทำอุบายว่า "อืออือ! เหนื่อยจริงๆ เขาเชีญเราไปชำระความพึ่งกลับมาเดี๋ยวนี้, ดูดู๋ กระดาดเขียนเรื่องราวเป็นหอบสองหอบชำระเสียออกแย่แล้ว. เราว่าจะกลับไปบ้านอาบน้ำเสียให้สบายสักหน่อย, ความเล็กน้อยเท่านี้ก็ต้องมากวนเราด้วย."

ตานากับตาอินก็อ้อนวอนไปอ้อนวอนมา. ตาอยู่ทำทีเป็นเสียไม่ได้จึงว่า "ถ้าจะให้เราชำระจริงๆ แล้ว ต้องเชื่อฟังคำเราทุกอย่างจึงจะชำระให้ได้" ตานากับตาอินดีใจก็รับว่าจะเชื่อฟังคำทุกอย่าง.

ตาอยู่เห็นสมคะเนก็เอามีดตัดปลานั้นออก ๓ ท่อน, แล้วแกจึงบอกว่า ปลา ๓ ท่อนนี้; ให้ตานาได้ข้างหัว,
เพราะเขาเป็นผู้หามาได้. ส่วนตาอินนั้นให้แกได้ข้างหาง, เราเป็นผู้ตัดสินได้ข้างกลาง,"
พอตาอยู่ว่าอย่างนั้น, ตานากับตาอินจะไม่ยอมก็ไม่ได้, เพราะได้พูดไว้เสียแล้วว่าจะเชื่อฟังคำของตาอยู่ทุกอย่าง, ก็จะเป็นต้องให้ตาอยู่ได้ข้างกลาง, แล้วจึงคิดเห็นว่า "เราไม่พอที่เลย, เมื่อก่อนจะแบ่งปันให้กันกินเสียแต่ดีๆ ก็จะแล้วกัน, นี่ตาอยู่มาเอาไปกินเสียเปล่าๆ; แล้วเอาที่ตรงพุงมันไปกินด้วย, ไม่เป็นเรื่อง, การอะไรเราตกลงกันเสียแต่ลำพัง, คงดีกว่าหาผู้มาตัดสินเป็นแน่"
ตั้งแต่นั้นมาตานากับตาอินไปหาปลามาได้ก็แบ่งสู่กันกินเป็นปรกติ, ไม่โต้เถียงกันอย่างแต่ก่อนอีกเลย.

จาก: -
เป็น: -
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
Eye in Fontana, Grand home by the sea; I are friends, I had to fish by the sea together. But not least do not eat enough fish, if one day I find it very Then I eat, if I eat less saturated.
.One day, when it's time to go fishing, Fontana said to eye in that "Friend, friend, the tradition, then we lose the election by Tien; We promise it will be better, it's time to go fishing is when I had to split it,.Who like to go north to the south. However, shallow water or deep mind, I agreed to go on time, if the fish came to share with them. "Eye-in was therefore agreed that "Well, then I appreciate that this is our best."
.On the eye in Fontana said OK, and then, in the eyes like to find a way to solve it by shallow sand beach then the canal. Kae's eyes to find the deep sea; I forgot I took one big swing spoon shark then I brought them home.Cotton bud in the day to find not even a single fish, the evening was back home

I see eye to eye, waiting to sit in back empty-handed; So fake that. "Friends, how many fish" in the eye and said, "We to this day do not fish;"Fontana laughed and said. "What the Philistines, to be out all day, not one fish was not, for a moment, we only have one big shark to reflect appointment. I will give this fish a half; But I will take the head, I have to remove the tail

.Paddy's eyes only. Eye-in was so angry that "We'll take the head. The side chain does it take? "Fontana said," We are looking at. We will remove the head, we will not solve the side chain, that this is right or wrong?"Eye-in said," What if that was true, but graceful on why I should not say this, but promised that I would then eat together only, when the fish came to be that person. to the head,.This was the tail. That this is not "Fontana's eyes in controversy was not agreed to.

The eyes fold arms would close kite Kradad to sell; The graceful way he came. Fontana was arguing with my eyes in confusion,.Considered seeing eye Kradad graceful past; I'm glad that Tralakar, major special eye on the house, said the argument that the eyes are the judge. Gambit's eyes are made "yea yea!I really had to pay a special problem, we need to now, the panting gasp Dodo๋ Kradad story is rinsed out crying. We are going back to the bath house for a little comfort, a little bit as much as they need us. "

.Fontana's eyes pleaded in the petition to come. Eyes are not so bad that it pretends to be. "If we actually paid to obey everything I have to settle for" Fontana's eyes had been glad to be obeyed in everything

.Somcaen eyes see, it took a knife to cut the fish into three pieces, and then I was told that the fish three rods; To be Astana's head,
because he is acquired. The eye in it to the side chain, we are judged not by the medium, "
eyes are like that,.Fontana is not in the eye, it does not, because I have already said that it will obey the eyes are everything, you will need to have eyes in the middle, and then review it. "We have enough to do, when to eat it, but I will share it to them,.This Santa is coming out to feed on waste; Then remove the belly is to eat well, is not a matter, to what we agreed it alone, it's better for a judge to be "
Since then, Fontana eye out for fishing it is divided into. I eat a normal,.Not dispute that, but no more.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Ta na with an eye in the House by the sea, Grand Hotel, as friends; he used to go fishing on the beach together, less fishing is not enough to eat, and how much is available for anyone. Everyone has to eat, eat, eat less, if not IM.
.One day when it's time to go fishing, speak with an eye-eye "friends, friends, we have a finance เลีก เถีด waste; we came together a contract would be better, is that it's time to go fishing when they make the shift to separate waste,. Whether one likes the North South or deep waters, however, are shallow, but I will agree upon when it's time to go, if it comes, it comes from fish to share. " The eyes, they agreed with everything said, "well, this is like saying the Grand us."
.When the eye in eye with NATO talk OK then, eyes the love go through shallow water, according to Grand beach sand in running the Canal. Ta na Kae, to find that the deep sea; Lastly, it took the spoon out Grand Swing Big shark has one, and then he took coming home.An eye for the ladies to find dinner wasn't enough, neither fish, one evening, back home.

Ta na sit waiting saw an eye back empty-handed; everything to annoy asked, "how many fish a friend?" The eye, so that "we go today not fish at all;"Ta-na-laughter and then said," go, take in the Grand all day to remove a tattoo, one fish, one a few minutes ago, we have come to a great big shark strikes. This fish, we will provide half of the Grand; but we will remove the side of the head, he must remove the side of the tail

.Just as the eye. The eyes were so angry that "we will remove the side of the head. He removes some tail side is? " Ta na, it said, "we are finding we have to remove the side of the head, we will not find a gap above the tail, though this is or?"The eyes are everything" it is true that some grand, but เดีม why not this, said he, is but a contract that raised it, and then they eat together, one at a time, when it comes to fish, that the side of the head, The man behind the tail, this is not acceptable, "eye to eye, the farmers argued they could not agree upon the eye Department brood

. arm to buy sales come along its Grand เดีน closes into wholeness;. Ta na with an eye on being busy to contradict each other, Just saw the eyes, freckles and เดีน deck tralakan I thought that it was ignited, เชีญ eye is on a prison, it tells the story argue that the decision to help the eye. The eyes are also doing the trick said, "Yes, Yes! Really tired he เชีญ us to arbitrate depends on the back now, dudu along its two-story writing is terrible waste settlement carry carry. We decided to go back home to take a shower, being a little bit, as much as we want. whirlpool. "

.Eye appeal is eyes, the farmers to appeal. The eyes are made one at a time, it is not said, "if we are paid to actually obey our commands, everything is settled." Ta na with an eye in it that I will obey the

everything.The eye sees. it removes the fish cutter 3, verse, verse 3 g this fish says so;, Ta na,
because he has a head side raised. Best eyes on the tail side, we have the Grand as a decision has been khangklang, "
", that's enough for eyes. Ta na with an eye to reject it, because it is then that he died in obedience to the word of the eyes are everything, it would need to keep an eye on it khangklang, and then comment that "we are not enough, when before they share, but it wanted to eat together, together, Here eyes are coming to eat the loss in vain; and then remove it with the belly to eat, not what it is, we agreed, on the basis of but better for someone to make a decision, "
since then with the scale of fishing to the TA-na has split it into normal eating together, Do not argue, but certainly before another.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
his eyes, and with his eyes, he was at home on the edge of the sea; he had made a friend, he had to go to the seaside with fish, fishing, but always have at least not enough to eat, if he had to be more people that, I eat, if I did not eat less Ajarn
One day, when the time came to go to fish, his eyes, and said to the man, "My boy, my friend, that we wont ever lose เลีก เถีด; we have come to agreement, it would be better than new, is the time to fish as soon as you will be in the way,It was like going to the north of the South deep water or shallow water, how do you like it, but it will be OK, and then, when the time to go to, if you have fish, and then came to share." in his eyes, so it was agreed that "This is a very good, and then she said to be pleased with our best."
When the eye, with his eyes, he said, agreed upon, and then Internet, eye-like toward the shallow water he went to the sandy beach in the Ajarn eyes, he had sought to the deep sea water; to find out, he was, he took his swing. Spoon of sharks, and one of the largest she had brought home.and his eyes, the Irishman went to fish, not one of them, at the time of the evening when he got back home.

eyes, sat down and waited. When I saw his eyes go back to the empty-handed; so I asked mischievously, "How many fish are friends?" his eyes, and said, "we go to this day, it is not at all fish;"His eyes, and laughed, and then said, "It was awful, the whole day will take a fish alone, I do not have, we have only a moment to one of the largest sharks, the shots. Fish. This, we will give you one half; but we'll take side of the head, he had to be put on his tail.

As soon as his eyes, that he was only in his eyes, his anger was kindled, it said, "We will take her side of the head to the tail of it, as a matter?" his eyes, and he said, "We are come to the side of the head. So we will take, we will not find him, and his tail side, that it is wrong or it will be?"It is said to be the "he said, " and it is true, but it is not เดีม why don't you say this, but it is a contract, that I find it, and then they eat together, only when it comes to fish, and that this man had his head,This is, a man with a tail like that. This is not going to "his eyes, and with his eyes, the debate to come, it is not agreed upon.

and his eyes, his arms are stable pavement will be off to buy a kite; she had the เดีน. His eyes, and the eyes were discussing the bustle,When I saw his eyes holding a pavement เดีน came; I think that it was a good-bye, I'm so glad, เชีญ eyes in it. On a house, and then, so I told her about the dispute over his eyes, that is, to decide, is it trick, "อืออือ!He was very tired, we went to pay the เชีญ refuge back to it now, and see ดู๋ Eldad write the story as a lot of bad, and two out of breath pay him out. We will return to the house bathroom, comfortable, just a little, and a little more, it must be with our forest."

his eyes, and he was compelled to go to his eyes, and prayed, and internet. His eyes, as though it is not so bad, "If we pay for it, then we must obey the word and everything will be paid for it." His eyes, with his eyes, he was glad to be able to obey the words that will be Ajarn

his eyes, he saw the perfect to reckon with a knife, cut out 3 pieces, fish, fish, and then he told them, This 3 piece; it has been, and his eyes, his head, because he is a
where to find it. The eyes, that she was in the tail of it, we are the judge. Beside, "
as soon as his eyes, and that is that,his eyes, his eyes, and the Internet isn't going to do it, because they have said it was too late. That will be able to obey the words of his eyes, it is all, I will be a must, and it is the medium, and then provide feedback, we are not enough, when you will be free to share, but it will be good, and then together,This is going to eat it, and it came to pass, that vain; and then put it on the belly to eat with it, is not a thing, what we agreed, but left alone, perhaps it would be better to find the judgment, surely
since then, with his eyes, his eyes, to fish, to eat, and it was divided into associative meanings,Do not quarrel, but before any more.

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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