History of Lee Kuan Yew, the former leader of Singapore. Then you'll know why Lee Kuan Yew to be regarded as a great man, a great man you talk to small regions that have recognized the tremendous growth. Believe that anyone would think of Singapore as early as I can not really believe that this small territory will become the most developed economies in the region. Although recently the country was only 50 years, all in one, we have to give all the credit to the man from Singapore, China, the indefatigable man named Lee Kuan Yew is the man, and it is not making Singapore rapid advancements. Jump to become all see today. Although he died on 23 March this year. I believe what great things he has done to Singapore to make his name does not fade away. Engraved in the hearts and in the history of Singapore and never fade. And today, the gearbox dot com is the story of the great men who come together. To commemorate and to young people who may have never heard a name. I have known it to be a great man , Lee Kuan Yew was born on November 16, 2466 in a wealthy family, a Singaporean Chinese. He's a very good school. And Lee received a scholarship to study at Raffles College in Singapore. Where he was a contemporary with tons i Abdul Rahman (who later became the Prime Minister of Malaysia) before the legal Fitz William College at Cambridge University in England, but also honors. with And with that he was born in the era of Singapore as a British colony. It also has to study abroad, has hindered the city of Leon Trotsky in the form of an idea towards the West. Personal habits, he was a man of confidence in itself a decisive rant deep thought. Thinkers who can analyze various scenarios ever addition to tuition and books. At the University of Cambridge, Lee Kuan Yew also met with law students held that the taps as well. Both their relationship and get married later in life until the end of the year 2493, Lee Kuan Yew, Singapore's return to his homeland at that Singapore remains under a British colony. He started life as a lawyer. Prior to deflect attention and progressed through political circles Singapore. By establishing a public works Party (People ?? s Action Party) founded in 2493 and later in 2502, he served as Prime Minister of Singapore. At the age of only 35 years, during the then Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew sitting position. As the Malaysian declared independence from Britain, which Lee Kuan Yew that Singapore should be freed so. I negotiated with tons Abdul Rahman, Prime Minister of the day. To join, as well as Singapore and Malaysia in the same territory. Because Singapore is a small territory with no natural resources. And finally, in 2505, Singapore was incorporated as one of Malaysia's success. However, it is not smooth as hoped. When Malaysians believe that Singapore is an entirely different culture. Protest to show their displeasure against various extremes do not want that Singapore is one such conflicts lead to massive riots. Even in Malaysia, Singapore was asked to secede from the same territory. That makes Lee Kuan Yew know what to do to hold the head would lead to a breakthrough. When Singapore has no natural resources important to the development of any country , but I do not believe I have to believe that Lee Kuan Yew made them extremely important to the foundation of public education. I believe that developing countries will need to create one before. He encourages people to learn two languages to learn and pick the finest educational institutions in the world's top hotels. To contribute to national development. Then people to developing countries, it is back to the teacher. Enhance teaching the people in the country have learned to level the playing field with foreign studies will lay the foundation for education and Leon Trotsky is that individuals will develop it. Knowledge alone is not enough. Requires creativity We have the support and development of creativity in children and young alike. Became a quality public today while. Support to people speak two languages has led the country progress quickly. Because communication is essential, whether in the matter. Finally, it also resulted in continued growth in Singapore. In particular, the economic Although the country has no natural resources, any part of the social Lee Kuan Yew had organized everything. Since the removal of foreign cultures that influence youth to be a porn cinema strip karaoke, the event was to promote the awareness of the public to be a mess. Cleanliness of the Town Trees And lawless life: first love and last love the Lee Kuan Yew to be a great parent, then. He is also a man in love with a solid called rare. After he met than tap holds a student at the University of Cambridge. The couple were married and live a long life, even to the end than tap Chu died in October 2553, Lee Kuan Yew, we live differently. He said after losing his wife to Lee Kuan Yew, was taken to hospital with lung infection from 5th February was. He was admitted to the Singapore General Hospital by passive ventilation throughout. Although the public will flock to the hospital with a bouquet of flowers and greeting cards. That could not hold his life was Leon Trotsky died at 3:18 pm. On March 23, 2558, amid grief request.
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