The basic virtue is the sacrifice of those who live together in society. Everyone in society must have the generosity to share the sacrifice. There is no soul, it is narrow, selfish sacrifice is so conscientious neighbors machine heroines as tools create habits, are the ones that benefit the public, rather than selfish happiness happy private benefits.People who live together in society will occur, there should be peace, virtue is the sacrifice is sacrifice personal happiness to the public, because if everybody selfish. Other people can't see, the section will be boiling hot. When the public suffered broken occurs happy peace to occur?Sacrifice is therefore one important virtue in society, starting from a small agency of society families need to sacrifice personal happiness, a sacrifice of property were difficult with fatigue, both in regular and guard each other as. From the estate is sacrificed and donated to help things. One of the blackest sufferers Occur to someone in somewhere, often with donations of money or anything to bring help to people who get the distress suffered from disasters such as flooding, watphai, etc or a donation to create things in the public. Benefits provided to the global society.People with generous hearts sacrifice gifts for everyone in society, contributing only help that will help. See who should help as it help very little or somewhat are sometimes helped by exercise, sometimes helping with are sometimes help with intelligence every time you help please, it is a pity the foreground is intended to relieve the suffering of others. Pure heart.Those who are well trained in the subject of the sacrifice he surely taking easy. Not have to reluctantly. Be able to make consistent and able to sacrifice, even that beloved thing, by hard. Most organs and there is life.Contributing capabilities, and sacrifice is one important virtue that create the best regards. Do people hate, befriend the love Do people love to love even more good results inevitably always cause for joy. Whether it be a provider or recipient. People who have sacrificed to the average share of their fortune and happiness to others, is always so. Not that anyone would like translation with.Therefore, Those who see their long-term effort to practice as people sacrifice a little each day, as the share to create a habit. Habits, and give ourselves this deep-seated habits which will gradually into the mind become steady habits is difficult habits destroyed by the following identity.
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